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ISH Balloons
ISH Balloon

Balloons for ISH themed levels.

Ish Blaster
Screenshot of the level

Break values and custom fonts are very underused, so I decided to use both.

Break Values: Most people think that break values are boolean. For example, if the value isn't set, the block won't break. If you set the value to something like 1, then it will break. However, the break value is a threshold that specifies the detonateforce needed in order to destroy the object. If you set the break value high enough, then certain explosives won't be able to destroy it, which is what I've done in this level.

ISH Signs
ISH Signs Screenshot

This addin makes all signs in World Of Goo, custom and original levels, display in the way of the digital signs in Chapter 4: Information Super Highway. This will have an effect on all levels, in all chapters and with all signs (even wooden ones), so remember to install and uninstall this mod to your needs.
Note: When this addin is enabled and a level is tested directly from WooGLE, a glitch occurs and only the text is displayed. This may be fixed in later versions.


ISH Version Super Fuse Challenge Time

ISH Version with new goo balls

This is a second paragraph which shouldn't appear.


ISHsandbox. Nothing more really. Only 3 types of balls. (kinda small...)

Island 1 Enlarger
Extends the scene to the right...

Temporary Stop-Gap Measure!

I noticed people are starting to struggle with the 30 extra levels limit.
So.. until davidc gets around to re-writing GooTool...

This addin increases the size of Island 1.. allowing up to 100 (maybe 120) levels to be installed at the same time.

Island 1 Infinite
Infinite Screenshot

Now you can load infinite new levels! Smile
I learned XSL for a long time but didn't fix the problem until I find this! Thanks DavidC for this tool!
Also thanks Daft as Brush for his Island 1 Enlarger!

P.S. If you want your chapter add-in in island1 works well with this add-in, use merging and do not remove the SceneLayer whose name=bg.

Island to Island

Looks like the gooballs have discovered a new location.
High up in the sky!
How ever did they get up there!?

Island Worlds

The islands, but they're levels. Cool concept, huh?

Somehow I got this to work, and the result is kinda fun, too. Check it out if you've got nothing to do. I haven't done all of the islands yet but I'll get all of them done by the end of July, I can promise you that. Done this!

2023 UPDATE:

I discovered that I screwed up the .goomod, and the whole addin has been broken for years. Whoops! I also couldn't find the files for any of the original levels apart from chapter 1. Double whoops!

It's All Mine

This is my second level.
It's pretty tough at the beginning.
The music has been modified.

Youtube link:
