
World of Goo

Towers by Luke4214

Luke4214 hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by Luke4214

Wet Chain

What's going on (tm)?

Wet Chain is my first level and a remake of drool.

thanks to thB and DaB for bug fixes Big smile

this is brought to you by GooMaster incorperation.

v1.4(by thB):
- Fix: background image shows correctly
- Fix: music didn't play before
- Fix: signpost text does not overwrite the one in Drool
-fixed size of images
-origional goomod relese


No screenshot

Spray this spikepotion(c) on any gooball of your choice* to make them have spikes for only 6.00 USD**!

*strangely, the potion only affects common, albino, black, bit, bone(?),fuse, Hex, Ivy, Pilot, Pixel and Water...

**Just kidding! click instal with gootool to download

spikepotion is a trademark of GooMaster Inc. LukeCorp


Ok, I'm back as Luke4214, so why not sharpen the spikes on these gooballs?

Now effects common, albino, black, bit, bone(?),fuse, Hex, Ivy, Pilot, Pixel and Water
Pokey has been removed for now, issues have gotten in the way

Pokéball Gooballs

common & ivy

This mod gives common and common_black balls (and a lot more) a pokéball look.
Balls made in GIMP (Mostly GIMP.... Tongue )

This mod brought to you by Goomaster Inc.


Member for
13 years 6 weeks


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