
TheRoofTopOctopus's picture

World of Goo

Towers by TheRoofTopOctopus

TheRoofTopOctopus hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by TheRoofTopOctopus


The Covered Pipe

This is just a variation of the theme I used in Elusive Sentient Arctic Blockheads. It's a bit easier.

Elusive Sentient Arctic Blockheads

The Start of the Level

This my second attempt at a level. Originally this and another level I tried uploading (I realized it wasn't a very good idea for a level so I didn't try to get it fixed and published) were in a level pack, but I abandoned that idea as well. Anyway, the level is fairly straightforward but challenging. There isn't an OCD.


Member for
11 years 41 weeks


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