

About Me

I am Spivy, also known as Fishgoggles.

Yeah, I like gaming. Definitely a fan of strategies like Civ and Space Rangers and FPS games like Ultrakill.
If you need the pronouns for any reason— he/him.

World of Goo

Towers by SpivyChelyabinsk

SpivyChelyabinsk hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by SpivyChelyabinsk

Merging Levels Test


I didn't put that much effort in it, but it works!

The Pit | Drawn Worlds Single Level

This is the single level from my very old project, called The Drawn Worlds.

Climb The Mountain


This addin - is one of levels from my upcoming chapter. I hope you will like it!

Towerbuild: Beta 1

This is the beta 1 of the TowerBuild World of Goo mod.
All bugs that you have founded, write in the commentaries.
I will fix them.

My Desktop

My first level on that account. How you know, i have an 2nd account with level "Black Towers". Now, that level is 2nd.
OCD: Time, 50


Member for
8 years 5 weeks


Addin Author