Hiking Adventure

Author: .SlipKnoT._2_2
Total downloads: 1,010
Latest version: 0.4
Release date: 01/09/2014 - 21:12
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"Hiking Adventure" is my first level. It is the lead single level for Winter Wonderland. This level is my second most downloaded level, first being "Literal To Digital." "Hiking Adventure" appeared on several releases: Its chapter Winter Wonderland, The KnoT Fest and The Ultimate Collection: 2013-2016. It is one of my best known levels to date.


This level was created on November 23, 2013. It was a very stormy day. This is one of the few demo levels I made from September-December 2013, others being "Literal To Digital", "Digital Jail" and 2 unreleased levels, namely "Rocket Station" and "Heaven and Hell." Two of them successfully made it to goofans and the remaining levels got shelved.


The level was originally released on December 14, 2013. Due to some issues, the level's released was pushed to January 10, 2014. It peaked at 19 downloads on its first day.

Hiking Adventure's 119th Download Anniversary

The level was re-released on May 1, 2014 in the name "Hiking Adventure's 119th Download Anniversary." It had 27 downloads on its first day.

.SlipKnoT._2_2 Levels Chronology

"Hiking Adventure"|"Literal To Digital"

There are 4 screenshots.

VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
0.4AllThu, 01/09/2014 - 21:12com.goofans.SlipKnoT.22.Hikingadventure.goomod1.1 MB1,010

There is 1 current download.