Way to apply for moderator?

3 replies [Last post]
Joined: 12/19/2016

Recently on GooFans, due to a very small moderation team, levels have gone weeks without being published, and spam bots can take a long time to be dealt with. Because of the publishing issue, some members of the community have wondered if the moderation team could be expanded.
Of course, mod status could be a disaster in the wrong hands, but is there a way someone like me could apply to become a GooFans moderator?

Joined: 10/09/2012

Bumping this. As of today I'm no longer actively moderating so some other people should be given moderator to keep this site going.

Joined: 05/11/2011

I still want to apply, if there's a place to do so

I made goomods.

Joined: 12/19/2016

Any updates on this? So far I don't think anyone's been added, and DavidC just published some addins himself (but I think some mods are still unpublished). If moderators can't or shouldn't be added for some reason, I would love to at least know why that is.