Java can't find file... because it doesn't exist!
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Tue, 05/26/2009 - 19:08
I have gootool. Worked for a long time. But, suddenly, whenever I try to load World of Goo from gootool, it says: "C:\Program Files\World of Goo- Goo Tool\res\images\flags\Thumbs.db(Access is denied)(". Help! I wanna play the levels!
Just adding, I uninstalled and re-installed gootool, but it didn't work. Then I looked in the folder (C:\Program Files\World of Goo- Goo Tool\res\images\flags\) and couldn't find it. (Besides, I thought IMAGES were supposed to be things like .jpg , and .png . Not .db , which isn't viewable on... well... image viewing programs.) But, i did find the Thumbs.db in \res\levels\wogcd and in \res\levels\wogc .
OVER 9000
your having a problem where you viewed the images in a folder as thumbnails and you created a file called Thumbs.db that you cant see but holds the thumbnails
when i get this problem, i wipe everything in my modified world of goo folder except the addins folder
Then run gootool and it tells you that it is making an initial save and your set
i have no idea why gootool tries to access the file but this is one way to fix it
@ david: could this be fixed in gootool, i have the same problem occasionally as well
Yeah, Thumbs.db is a transient file containing thumbnails of the directory's images. It appears that it exists when GooTool makes the initial pass to find which files to copy, but has vanished by the time it actually tries to copy it.
I've not experienced the problem but it should be fixed now for the next release. Thanks for the report.
In the meantime you might want to try deleting Thumbs.db in res/images/flags in your source (original World of Goo) directory.
Ok, thanks!
OVER 9000