Kamal's towers

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thB's picture
ContributorAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD
Joined: 04/17/2009

I was just exploring the leaderboards a little and when I took a closer look at Kamal's uploaded profiles (http://goofans.com/leaderboard/player/1fa6048bdf270c327b33f70754d24296) I stumbled upon some very strange numbers.
There are two blocks of profiles (one with 662 collected balls, the other with 797 balls) both spanning over respectively very little play time differences.

Now what bothers me is this:

Updated			Tower Height			Balls	Play time
Mon, 12/29/2008 - 20:52	44.53m using 300 of 300 balls	797	6 hours 4 min
Mon, 12/29/2008 - 21:40	44.10m using 299 of 300 balls	797	6 hours 5 min
Tue, 12/30/2008 - 14:15	44.02m using 300 of 300 balls	797	6 hours 6 min
Thu, 01/01/2009 - 16:48	46.30m using 295 of 300 balls	797	6 hours 6 min
Sun, 01/04/2009 - 23:00	50.06m using 299 of 300 balls	797	6 hours 15 min
Sun, 01/04/2009 - 23:04	41.03m using 285 of 300 balls	797	6 hours 14 min
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 21:40	50.82m using 300 of 300 balls	797	6 hours 15 min

This is the second block ordered chronologically by update times.
How is it possible to enlarge a tower from 44.53m to 50.82m (including a major kickback of about 10m) in 11 minutes of play time and updating one's profile 7 times during this process?
If the numbers and update timestamps are correct, this looks pretty suspicious to say the least.

In case I misread anything or just fail to understand these stats correctly I do NOT want to accuse anyone of anything and kindly request elucidation.

Any thoughts?

Regards, thB

my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment

Joined: 03/31/2009

Don't worry, everything is legitimate. I'm sure this is how it happened:

He played WOG and build a tower 44.53m in 6h4min. He uploaded it to see how it looks like, is it leaning to one side and so on...

I must say... final rush to the top is very quick! I did 10 m in about 12 sec in my tower...

He removed one goo... for some reason he wanted to see how it looks or whatever...
he uploaded it again.

and again....

he saved 5 goos from the tower that were unnecessary...
he uploaded it to see if the tower is straight...
he backup'd it

then comes the rush
QUICK QUICK QUICK to the top. he didn't use one goo but got to the 50.06m
he uploaded it to see how what where when...
he wasn't happy

for some reason he detached 15 goos and uploaded...
he looked at it or whatever...

he used his previous backup
and he QUICKLY build to 50.82m and exit.
he uploaded it and he was done


My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods

Joined: 11/04/2008

If you restore from a backup, your playtime will go back down to what it was before.

thB's picture
ContributorAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD
Joined: 04/17/2009

Ah, I see. Makes sense, even though this kind of playing appears a little strange to me. Smile
Thx for the clear chart, Pavke.

my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment

Joined: 11/04/2008

I've added "Recent tallest towers" (last 30 days) to allow others a chance to get up there Smile

thB's picture
ContributorAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD
Joined: 04/17/2009

Talking of "up there", where has the max. balls collected Top 10 gone? Wink

my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment

Joined: 03/03/2009

does kamal runn WOG in linux.........i heard in linux you can run two mice @ the sam time. enabling a faster more even build, soooo possibly kamal is actually two players thats why there is two kamals??????????


Joined: 03/31/2009

No... Smile

It is one player playing with one mic. He is so good at building towers that he took top 3 spots(now he is 1. 2. and 4.) Smile

My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods

Joined: 03/03/2009

What Counrty is he from?


Joined: 03/31/2009


My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods

Joined: 03/03/2009

where are you from


Joined: 03/31/2009

Off topic and why dose it matter.

My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods

Joined: 04/21/2009

Pavke wrote:
Off topic and why dose it matter.

He's probably just asking.

Joined: 07/18/2009

sry about off topic i just made 43.5x tower and i am not in the highest tower ever picture

Joined: 11/04/2008

I see you in the "highest ever" list at the moment. You have to give it a minute or two and then refresh to see the latest.

(congrats, by the way, nice tower!)

Joined: 07/18/2009

tnx i will try 50 with some tricks Tongue