Another new version of Wog Editor v0.68

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Joined: 06/19/2009

Yup, more new features, got a couple of others working properly and a few fixes
Get it Here

And... a request!
One of the things I've done is add a SHED LOAD of checks and warnings into the Save / Play / Make GooMod Buttons.

These aim to find all sorts of problems and issues with the level, thhings that might look OK to you (and me) and to WoG Editor... but will crash WoG when you try to play the level.

What I want... is MORE of these...
If you've got a level which crashes WoG... load it into the new version and try to play it, see if it can tell you what might be wrong.
If you've got a level that crashes WoG, but the new version doesn't warn you there might be a problem... then please Goomod it, upload it to some site or other and post a download link in this thread...
Cheers DaB Smile

Problems Wog Editor now detects and will warn you about or just fix!

  • Static=False and Mass=0 aka. the "Mass Crash"
  • Missing Cameras : must have 1 normal and 1 widescreen
  • Compgeom set to static=false, but has child with no Mass
  • Strands declared before balls
  • Hinges and Motors declared before Geometry
  • Motors attached to static geometry
  • Pipe Vertexes that are too close together.
  • Pipes with vertexes that go straight on, or turn 180deg
  • Level Exit outside scene bounds (Playability)
  • Has levelexit but no pipe (Wog crash on pipe open)
  • Pipe "Mouth" outside levelexit (Playability)
  • Let me know if you know of any others!

    Joined: 06/19/2009

    More requests...

    I'm also looking at where WoG Editor makes things MORE difficult than they need to be... like demanding that Radial Force Fields have an id, when WoG is happy without.
    If you know of any other things like that... let me know.

    I'm looking for things where WoG Editor displays something different to how it appears in the game...

    Found 2 big ones I've found so far... which I'm fixing!

    If you set an image on a circle or a rectangle, but leave imagepos blank..
    - WoG Editor shows the image at 0,0
    - WoG puts the image centered on wherever the rectangle or circle is!
    * I'm sure knowing that will/would have helped some people out! Wink

    WoG Editor displays an offset image on a rotated compgeom in the wrong place.
    - More complicated fix, but on the list.

    Let me know if you've found any other things like this...

    Also found / added couple more error checks ..
    Geometry has an image, but no imagerot value (WoG Crashes)
    Linear force field has a size, but no center (WoG Crashes)

    Joined: 12/06/2009

    I have NO IDEA what that weird little orange line does.... Tongue
    The goomod feature is pretty awesome, but a little complicated... Sad

    My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot Tongue Laughing out loud

    Joined: 03/31/2009

    GooMaster2000 wrote:

    The goomod feature is pretty awesome, but a little complicated... Sad

    complicated??? What's complicated? Just enter author, name, goomod id and you are done! Smile

    My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods

    Joined: 12/06/2009

    nvm, I'll do it by hand

    My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot Tongue Laughing out loud