Publishing an add in

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Joined: 08/07/2010

How do I publish an add in?

Joined: 11/04/2008

On the 'World of Goo Addins' menu at the top, choose 'Upload an Addin'.


Joined: 08/07/2010

I did that but it said I have not published the add in yet.

Joined: 06/19/2009

I take it you are seeing this message....

This package is not yet published and is unavailable to the public. However you can continue to edit it, arrange the screenshots, and upload files prior to publication.
* Request this addin be published. <-- This is the request link

If so... Click the "request" link.
If not... tell us exactly what message you are seeing... copy and paste if you have to.

Joined: 08/07/2010

Thanks! That was the message I saw. But how do I make it into a .goomod file? The editor keeps saying I have 4 child elements with issue. What does that mean? Everything seems fine.

Joined: 06/19/2009

Probably you just need to fill in some info about the addin.
Go to the Addin Tab in WooGLE...

Any entry with a red X has a problem... but it probably just wants you to put something in that field.
The X's also appear next to "parents".. so expand the trees with X's to find the child element with the problem.

Joined: 08/07/2010

Thank you so much! It worked! i forgot to put in the author and description and some other things. Thanks! Smile