
World of Goo

Towers by dan250

dan250 hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by dan250

S.M.O.K.E's Revenge

lucky people

Only one thing changed the world...

Holiday treat levels

Agent Goo

driving a car

My 11th level
These levels are geting harder and longer

Next level 'S.M.O.K.E's revenge'
Coming sooner than you think

Holiday treat levels

Beauty and Fisty

Level no.2
In this level Beauty and Fisty meet.
Beauty is stuck around the fuse goos.

Help her!!!!

[but ignore that these goos fall to the spikes at the very beginning. I couldn't change it]

10th level uploaded!!!!!!!!!!!!
just the same as my age!

Tower of goo upside down

This is the last level before I go.
Then I'm editing things so nothing is unpublished

I don't think so!

As many as you can

The beauty products were cold
So they warmed themselves inside a new specie of goo 'beautymini'
But don't you think that the 'beautymini' will get cold
So lets comfy the goos in the lovely warm pipe

By dan250
Ocd 500 goos

Don't like each other

I know this level is easy. But, try playing it
if you think it's too easy, write a coment and I will change the level so it's harder

Late goos 3

First if you want to finish this level or even start this level
find the anchor friendly somewhere in this level
then build your way to different places of the level

Late goos 2

Well the goos are late again,
but this time they're late to Beauty's Birthday
they visit her garden
and then discover the secret place of her house

Late goos again

Before I edited the level
I couldn't even finish it. It kept burning too fast and I added too much goos which meant you would not even finish it.
so I just moved the fire to where the two blue lines meet and connect the flammable goos to the fire
For some of you it will be easy,
some harder, and that includes me

goo meeting

4 chapters and an epilogue in 1 level. It's not hard.
please, Ignore:
goos at the beginning and
information superhighway

Try playing it.


Member for
13 years 16 weeks


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