Saman izadi

Saman izadi's picture


About Me

I am literally me

World of Goo

Towers by Saman izadi
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
saman izadiMon, 05/04/2020 - 06:0032.26m1,10613 hours 49 min
Saman IzadiTue, 01/12/2021 - 04:0429.16m1,1676 hours 58 min
Addins by Saman izadi

Extended Levels Contest

Hey everybody, these are the levels that were summited for my "Extended Levels Contest!" (Hosted by me, DemonGamer) Where players had to modify and extend a level from the original game.


Winner: Blazer88

2nd: samangamer1386
3rd: SerafimGWS
4th: Scarlet Fury/Gooballs Of Fire
5th: Liether345
6th: Said
7th: Volcanojungle

You can find a more in-depth review on the levels in the video description.

I hope you all had fun and thank you for participating Smile

Dark Themed Contest

Hey! The contest is finally here!


1st: SerafimGWS


SerafimGWS - Dark Swamp:
-17 points
Saman izadi (samangamer)- ChainReaction:
-15 points
pixelyne - Hello?:
-10 points
Crazydiamonde - Cave Of Illumination:
-8 points
Blazer88 - DeathChamber:
-8 points
Iodine-127 - Dreary Cavern:
-3 points

Thanks for participating!!


Member for
4 years 50 weeks


Addin AuthorSerious OCD