
Tunnelmannen's picture

World of Goo

Towers by Tunnelmannen

Tunnelmannen hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by Tunnelmannen

Goofans Level Design Contest Volume 3

Here's a look at the chapter. I dunno what other images to use.

At last, the third level design contest is finally out! The theme for this contest was "Vanilla", and as of now currently has the most submissions as of yet!

P.S. this chapter is also compatible with other goomods! Try it out, it's pretty neat.

Update: The winner of this contest was APerson, with their level "Rainy Day" Congrats!

Tunnelmannen's Thwack Level Hardcore Edition


Btw would love to see a video of it if anyone beats this...
I havent... yet, but it seems possible.

Tunnelmannen's Thwack Level

He do be flyin'

A level for practicing the art of T H W A C C!
Made by Tunnelmannen with love <3
Uploaded a speedrun of this stage on youtube too. Link in the video tab.

Rolling Around

My first ever WoG level, and I'm pretty happy with it.


Member for
3 years 44 weeks


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