
vidar's picture

World of Goo

Towers by vidar

vidar hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by vidar

Down the Drain

A battle against gravity, buoyancy and general wetness.

A pretty hard level, if I may say so myself! It *is* doable, though, believe me or not. Wink

The OCD time is probably impossible - for me, at least - but feel free to send me your results, and I'll try to find a more appropriate one.

Damsel in Distress

A rescue mission.

It's pretty hard, but it's quite doable with a little patience and experimentation. Smile

The OCD time is probably unattainable, but feel free to try and inform me of your personal records, and I'll try to set a more sensible one.

Have fun!


Member for
16 years 1 week


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