RGB = r,g,b integers (0-255 each).
2D = x,y floats
resource = string, an ID present in this level's resources file


The min/max x/y attributes are only optional on wogc* levels. The bounds can be overridden if autobounds is set on the level.


backgroundcolor (RGB) (required)
Background colour of the level that shows through when nothing is in front of it. Always black in shipped levels.
minx (float) (optional)
Lower bound for the X-coordinate (in world coordinates) of the camera.
miny (float) (optional)
Lower bound for the Y-coordinate (in world coordinates) of the camera.
maxx (float) (optional)
Upper bound for the X-coordinate (in world coordinates) of the camera.
maxy (float) (optional)
Upper bound for the Y-coordinate (in world coordinates) of the camera.

Child Elements

0-n SceneLayer
0-n button
0-n buttongroup
0-n circle
0-n compositegeom
0-n hinge
0-n label
0-n line
0-n linearforcefield
0-n motor
0-n particles
0-n radialforcefield
0-n rectangle