World of Goo: Peaceful Volume 1

CoverAuthors: Deseptor, LuckyGooツ, Crazydiamonde, Fedor Ilyukhin
Total downloads: 3,431
Latest version: 1.6
Release date: 02/10/2021 - 11:30
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Hello. I did not upload an addin on this site in a long time. This addin is the start of the series by me called World of Goo: Peaceful. This was originally meant to be a Chapter, but for now it is a Level Pack because the chapter was BEYOND broken. I don't really want to talk about it, but just enjoy the level pack.

UPDATE January 14th 2021: IT IS A CHAPTER NOW!!! This would not be possible without CrazyDiamonde, who compiled it.


What does WoG look like 300 years later? Start the adventure by going with Pokit through his land, but be ready expect the unexpected!

Other info:

That's all I'll say for the story. Anyway, I put LuckyGoo on this addin because he was a huge fan and made a lot of suggestions. He may contribute even more on Volume 2.

P.S. I might make ball changing mods of the evil goos sometime just for fun Wink


This update made Darklight easier by removing the compositgeom named HoverSupport, so the Signlings do not bumb into it. Now Hover stays down due to a new gooball called AnchorHover that look identical to HoverLimb but they are static.


This update made common and Versatile goos have normal eyes rather than Peaceful eyes, because it looks better. The balloons are left alone.


This update makes it so you cant cheat on Darklight, and changes the Black goos to be normal.


This update is the best one, because it is now a full blown chapter! It will override the OG Chapter 2. It now has a World Map and the music for it is by WillRocks23 on YouTube.


This update adds a lot of new stuff! First, there is a brand new level, the tutorial level! It comes before Pokit's Debut, and if you already beat the rest of the chapter, please play this level. Also, there is now color-coded levels that convey how hard they are! To see the key, play the tutorial level. One more thing; a gooball board. For more info about it, play the tutorial level. Enjoy the new update!

Alright, this NEEDS to be the final one. So, this adds some new loopsounds to Grassy Plains, Over the Mountain, and Aerospace. These loopsounds were made by Fedor Ilyukhin himself, so credit to him. Also, this update makes the balloons and flower goos to where they have normal goo faces. The other look was just not working for me.

P.S. The rest of the chapters of PeaceWoG will be in this format as well.


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Pokit's greatest invention; the Versatile Goo.
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.6AllWed, 02/10/2021 - 11:30com.goofans.Deseptor.PeaceWoG.Volume1.goomod15.73 MB797
1.6AllTue, 02/09/2021 - 20:51com.goofans.Deseptor.PeaceWoG.Volume1.goomod14.54 MB370
1.5AllMon, 02/01/2021 - 13:24com.goofans.Deseptor.PeaceWoG.Volume1.goomod10.73 MB362
1.4AllThu, 01/14/2021 - 18:55com.goofans.Deseptor.PeaceWoG.Volume1.goomod8.91 MB398
0.4AllSun, 01/10/2021 - 15:57com.goofans.Deseptor.PeaceWoG.Volume1.goomod7.74 MB367
0.3AllWed, 01/06/2021 - 20:41com.goofans.Deseptor.PeaceWoG.Volume1.goomod7.74 MB385
0.2AllMon, 01/04/2021 - 15:47com.goofans.Deseptor.PeaceWoG.Volume1.goomod7.76 MB377
0.1AllSun, 01/03/2021 - 21:34com.goofans.Deseptor.PeaceWoG.Volume1.goomod7.43 MB375

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