
LuckyGooツ's picture


About Me

Hey, i like making levels for this game, it's fun, though, i don't make or upload levels frequently, i'm pretty lazy

World of Goo

Towers by LuckyGooツ

LuckyGooツ hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by LuckyGooツ

Into the Lab


Hello! It's Volcanojungle!

Today, I made a level that uses the music that APerson (Lucky Goo) just made!

I also use the Digital Goos from WoG 1/2 so, yes GOoey Goo i'm crediting you Laughing out loud

OCD: 24 balls

I hope you will enjoy this level Laughing out loud

Going Up Cool (big mess)

OCD, yes

Hey! It's Volcanojungle!

I created this level for fun and... it's fun to play (not to get the OCD lol)

Gooballs from... lot of people!

Gooballs from:

Jelly Cave

starting :)

Hey! It's Volcanojungle!

Today i present one of the levels you will find in my next mod!!

I hope you will enjoy this level!

OCD:6 balls

Special thanks to:

SerafimGWS for the SeaGrass
APerson (luckygoo) for the jelly
and GFX SOunds for the underwater loop Laughing out loud

v1.15: bug fixed

World of Goo: "1/2" - Unofficial remastered version


Yes! i'm here uploading another addin. This one is a unofficial remastered version of WoG: "1/2" by Gooey Goo.
I have been working on this little project for some time, but i think i can upload it now.

Some things to note before playing this mod...
1-You need to install both addins in the download table, why not just one addin? The file sizes are kinda big, so yea.

Corroed Mechanism (pretty hard level)

Hello! i'm here again with another level, this time i won't explain the gooballs so you can go and discover they do!
please, read the signpost of the levels to understand the gooballs
there is also a hidden signpost in the level, good luck finding it
the music in this level is named "Unclear Helium" and it is composed by Adrian122, i'll leave links to the song and his souncloud account
v0.2: fixed a little bug of the sticky gooball getting stuck to a invisible geometry

"Glowing Storm" (Challenging level)

Hello! i'm once again here uploading levels, for this one, i tried to make a really hard level, and i did it! (atleast i think so), this is a thwacking level, but since i suck at that there is one antigrav gooball

quick explanation of the 5 new gooballs in this level

1. "Energy Light": this gooball is just a blue light, but it is an antigrav goo, so this can really help you to beat this level
2. "Fuse Purple": just a fuse recolor mostly for aesthetics, but their strands burn really fast

Goofans Level Design Contest Volume 3

Here's a look at the chapter. I dunno what other images to use.

At last, the third level design contest is finally out! The theme for this contest was "Vanilla", and as of now currently has the most submissions as of yet!

P.S. this chapter is also compatible with other goomods! Try it out, it's pretty neat.

Update: The winner of this contest was APerson, with their level "Rainy Day" Congrats!

World of Goo - "Underwater Journey" (old version)


Atention! before playing the chapter 1 of this mod you have to beat the level "Going Up" from the original chapter 1!
After a really long time, APerson and crew presents: World Of Goo Underwater Journey
Some fun levels based off underwater, some may be easy, and some more challenging, hope you enjoy playing this!

Due to the mod being
too heavy, here's the google drive link:

-Credits to: Fedor Ilyukhin for helping me with half of the mod

the toxic place

Hi! long time i don't post stuff there
i'm not gonna say stuff and instead of that i'll explain this
this is a reaaaaally old level and it looked complete for me, so i decided to post it, hope you enjoy

This level is inspired on: WoG UKW (gotta say this level doesn't use gooballs from another people, but they're inspired on them)

5/24/21 Level Contest!

This contest was themed around space-themed levels.

Download it here:

Winner: Gooba Ship by Gooey Goo

Level frames drawn by SuperMany


Member for
5 years 18 weeks


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