Albino Pokey's Map Contest 2 Entry: "The Caves of Strange Darkness"

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Total downloads: 2,195
Latest version: 1.0
Release date: 10/14/2011 - 15:56
The Goo Balls found a cave, but are afraid to explore it. Maybe they need some help.
By the way, the reason the subtitle uses "thou" is because it's a quote from Shakespeare. Can anyone give me the play, act, and scene?
Version | Platform | Release Date | Filename | Size | Downloads |
1.0 | All | Fri, 10/14/2011 - 15:56 | com.goofans.AP.MapContest2Entry.goomod | 785.15 KB | 1,339 |
1.0 | All | Fri, 10/14/2011 - 15:55 | com.goofans.AP.MapContest2Entry.goomod | 785.28 KB | 856 |
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Sat, 10/15/2011 - 10:18
I look forward to playing this tommorow!
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Sat, 10/15/2011 - 11:11
I didn't want to give away too much with the screenshot, so it only shows one of the two new Goo Balls.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sat, 10/15/2011 - 15:12
That's a...a..GOOBALL!?
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Sat, 10/15/2011 - 15:29
Yep. GlowLaunchSilent, having just been launched towards the goostone in the back of the cave.
I'm rather proud of the way the glow_FlingTrail particle effect came out.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sat, 10/15/2011 - 23:38
I would normally answer with a "good job" or "nicely done" (actually if I truly wanted to help someone I'm always super negative)
but in this case,
there ya go. congratulations.
Sun, 10/16/2011 - 00:26
make it difficult will be good
Fri, 06/22/2012 - 16:15
Umm, when you make a particle effect, how big should it be? like a particle effect for a ball? does it have to fill the whole screen?
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Fri, 06/22/2012 - 16:58
Usually, no.
What I usually do is to base it off an existing one in terms of size. In this case, it was ish_FlingTrail. I made new sprites about the size of the 1's and 0's, then applied them to the original effect, then just kept tweaking it until I liked the look.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sat, 06/23/2012 - 04:11
Ok! My radioactive goos are missing some effects!
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Sat, 06/23/2012 - 07:18
Feel free to use mine until you have yours working.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sat, 06/23/2012 - 16:02
Thank you! A new ball is not to come! Um...Where can i find the particles?
OMG LTumbleweed is online!!!
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Sat, 06/23/2012 - 17:38
In the /merge/properties/fx.xml.xsl file. Or if WooGLE screwed up the formatting again I can post the original XML.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sun, 06/24/2012 - 03:22
nono found it. So i can juts tweak the xsl to get my own particles?
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Sun, 06/24/2012 - 09:37
Yes. That's not what I'd recommend, though.
It's better to decrypt the fx.xml.bin file in your properties folder, and edit the XML there. WooGLE will make an XSL for you to put in the goomod automatically.
You'll also need to edit resources.xml.bin to load the new images.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sun, 06/24/2012 - 16:11
Hmmm...I tries changing your particles and stuff and got something that looks pretty nice! That is just a test though.
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Sun, 06/24/2012 - 16:17
Ooh, pretty. Are those snowflakes or stars? If they're stars I'd recommend adding a bit of a glow, like on the particles in this level.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sun, 06/24/2012 - 16:18
Wait! i just tried to use davidc's xml tool! Works great!
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Sun, 06/24/2012 - 16:44
No need for particles. WooGLE does it for you. It's really great.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Mon, 06/25/2012 - 00:18
Wait what? How does WooGle do it for me?
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Mon, 06/25/2012 - 07:59
Make a level with this ball and hit Make Goomod. WooGLE will make all the XSL merge files for you. You don't need the XSL Diff at all.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Mon, 06/25/2012 - 10:51
But...What about particle effects? I do not think you can enter them like that...
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Mon, 06/25/2012 - 15:34
Put them in the properties/fx.xml.bin file. Then WooGLE merges them in. It's as simple as that.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.