
Howitz's picture

World of Goo

Towers by Howitz

Howitz hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by Howitz

" Wingless "

" Wingless "
level a

"One little goo ball had a nice dream
floating, up high, in an endless sea,
as the goo ball soared through the clouds in the sky,
he said to himself, 'I wish I could fly'.
The little goo ball woke up on a hill,
up above, it seems, was a big flying mill.
The only way up was to climb a long pole,
this little goo ball will do more than just roll,
for now his dream may finally come true,
a wingless little ball of delicious green goo."
-Anonymous Adventurer

Oh and enjoy! Do something special for that little green goo!

Gaping Gap

"Gaping Gap"

Its cold down there.

I would like some feedback for improvements.

Mountain Ivy

Mountain Ivy Ingame Screenshot

"Mountain Ivy"

First Level of my series. Enjoy!

And the ivy goo said to themselves,
"I wonder what is up there, in that lovely gray pipe".
but how in the world would they climb these steep steps?
Who knows.

The Flingy Wall

The Flingy?

Welcome to the World of Goo Corporation Experimental Goo Ball Test Chamber.

These are the FLINGY balls, a strange mix of a Launch goo and an Ivy goo.



Member for
14 years 5 weeks


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