Mountain Ivy
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Total downloads: 1,011
Latest version: 0.9
Release date: 02/03/2011 - 13:36
"Mountain Ivy"
First Level of my series. Enjoy!
And the ivy goo said to themselves,
"I wonder what is up there, in that lovely gray pipe".
but how in the world would they climb these steep steps?
Who knows.
Version | Platform | Release Date | Filename | Size | Downloads |
0.9 | Windows | Thu, 02/03/2011 - 13:36 | com.goofans.Howitz.MountainIvy.goomod | 10.85 KB | 1,004 |
There is 1 current download.
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Wed, 02/02/2011 - 18:57
Its my first level in a series, but I made several before this one to experiment the features of WooGLE.
I do not know how to put in an OCD yet.
But for now, if you can beat it in 2:00 minutes or less, you got the OCD
Wed, 02/02/2011 - 20:13
For an OCD, go to the "Addin" tab in WOOGLE and change the "ocd" text field. For an OCD of two minutes, the appropriate line would be "time,120".
Another small point of concern: inside your addin.xml description, the '|' character does NOT break it up into multiple lines. (Ah, forgot you're probably using WOOGLE for that instead of editing the addin.xml by hand... I mean in the "description" part of the "addin" tab, the '|' characters don't do anything but look strange. Just type in a standard Enter and let WOOGLE handle the rest for you).
Hope that helps.
Edit: Now that I've played the level, I do have to say... nice job! I was only able to collect 13 (not max- 15 is max), which is saying a lot for the difficulty of the level (I hate most levels that are so easy I can beat them instantly). I think if I took another stab at it, I'd get 15, but I'm too lazy.
And I took it kinda slow, so I have nothing to judge it against, but an OCD of 2 minutes does sound reasonable.
Overall, very good first level! Good work!
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Thu, 02/03/2011 - 01:15
Thanks for telling me how to make an OCD.
I did press enter... it pops up those lines
and yes I noticed but decided to just keep em there. And yea I did use woogle instead of... whatever you said.
and you lost me at collecting 13... i think there are only 12 goo balls (16 if you count the square common structure in the beginning), and its only possible to have a max of 11 in.
Anyway thanks for the feedback! I'm going to start my next one soon >:) and it won't be as easy this time.
im going to reupload again and see if it still the same...
im very sleep right now -_-
and just finished second level (not so easy now!)
Thu, 02/03/2011 - 11:07
Ok, I'm confused now. Did you mean to add an OCD in the last goomod you uploaded? Because you didn't. Just wondering.
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Thu, 02/03/2011 - 16:10
ill look into it
update: its up and should work with the OCD. I even created a new folder and placed a new version of it inside and played it. I also added my second level. I figured that having a package for each level is kinda cumbersome, so if its ok, i'll just shove all my levels from this series into here.
btw the second level can be fustrating >:)
Thu, 02/03/2011 - 17:03
Two problems now.
-The first level STILL has no OCD. Have you added it in WOOGLE?
-But mostly, the first level's version on this page doesn't match the version inside GooTool (it's 0.9 in GooTool, and 1.0 here). Change one or the other, I don't care.
And just as a minor point if you want to put all your levels here: if someone just clicks the big "Install now" button, only the top level on the list will be installed. This will cause some people to miss your first level, as your second is currently on top. One way to combat this is to patch your goomods together into one larger one, and the other way is to put each level on a different page. I'd be more than glad to give you a goomodding 101 training course if you want.
Or whatever is easiest for you.
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Thu, 02/03/2011 - 18:34
I would like that. The GooModding 101.
I know how to use most of WooGLE for making the level, but things like uploading and other stuff...I still don't have a grasp on it, other than pressing "upload".
and strange, I did put in the OCD... it was working ingame..
Thu, 02/03/2011 - 21:51
Ok, then! GooModding 101:
.goomods are really .zip files! Rename one .zip and take a peek at its contents. Inside, you'll find an addin.xml, a text.xml (sometimes, not always), and a few folders. The most common ones are "override" and "compile". (there's "merge" sometimes, too, but don't worry about that unless you want to make chapters. Very complicated stuff).
Take a peek inside your addin.xml (Opening it with Notepad is a good idea, rather than IE or Firefox). In there you'll see a bunch of stuff... all within greater than and less than signs. One area of interest here is the
tag- it has your OCD in it, and (I think) it's empty currently. Edit it to say:<ocd>time,120</ocd>
(You'll want to extract your .zip before you go editing stuff, since you can't directly edit the .xml files while they're in the .zip)
Next up is the "compile" directory. Here are a bunch of .xml files (organized neatly in the folders they go in) that have the game data for levels and such. If you want to add more levels, stick stuff in the appropriate folder. Please note, however, that it all has to be in .xml format, not .xml.bin, or something like that, or GooTool will complain.
For example, merge in your "compile" directory from your second level by copying it over. Now you'll have two folders in override/res/levels/. Good.
Next up is the "override" folder. This has images and music in it. Merge in this as well from your newer .goomod. You can see each image with the path that WOOGLE gives it here (and music files as well).
That's pretty much it. Now that you've copied over all the files from your previous .goomod, go back to addin.xml. There's something else we want to change here to make GooTool recognize the second level.
If you'll notice in the addin.xml from your second .goomod, it's slightly different. We want BOTH levels in ONE goomod, so input the code from your second addin.xml (copy this stuff from GapingGap.goomod):
And stick this in your MountainIvy addin.xml right before the last
tag.Also select this stuff from GapingGap text.xml:
And stick this in MountainIvy's text.xml right before the final
tag.You're done! Select addin.xml, text.xml, the compile folder, and the merge folder (all at the same time; hold down Control while clicking on each), and right click->Send To->Compressed (zipped) folder. Rename it .goomod and you're good to go!
You may want to save backup copies first just in case; I'll go over it to see if it works, but you'll probably want to see if GooTool installs it correctly before you upload.
Good luck!
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Thu, 02/03/2011 - 22:58
Thanks a lot! I'll do this tommorow (i want to sleep).
Fri, 02/04/2011 - 16:40
How strange..
it has an OCD.
Mmmm... im confused now.
Anyway, I think im just going to create seperate packages. It worked, but I think seperate packages would work better in the long run. I might want to change 1 thing and stuff so ehh.
Fri, 02/04/2011 - 18:21
Ok, OCD is working now. May have been my computer or browser or something.
*publishes both*
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Fri, 02/04/2011 - 20:01
thanks MOM! (sounds awkward)
Fri, 02/04/2011 - 20:53
Collected 15.
Oh, and hi MOM4Evr. Yes, I'm alive.
my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment