Aqua Corporation

Author: momo1526
Total downloads: 2,008
Latest version: 1.0
Release date: 04/21/2010 - 23:21
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with GooTool
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Your rating: None Average: 1.7 (3 votes)

Yesterday night World of Goo Corporation was flooded.No real damage here and the goo balls seem to be making the most of it! Come and join them, the water is fine! The flood brought in infinite Drained gooball dispensers oh joy!
(don't worry this level is separate from world of goo corp. so don't be afraid to get wet!)

There are 3 screenshots.

VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.0AllWed, 04/21/2010 - 23:21AquaCorp.goomod978.6 KB2,008

There is 1 current download.