Great Escape

Author: My-Key
Total downloads: 11,232
Latest version: 1.31
Release date: 03/29/2009 - 03:37
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with GooTool
Overall rating
Your rating: None Average: 3.6 (24 votes)
Difficulty rating
Your rating: None Average: 3.4 (14 votes)

This is my first level. Have fun. To install you must have GooTool.

  • Level design: My-Key
  • Graphics: Kyle Gabler and My-Key
  • Music: Kyle Gabler

Thanks to 2D boy for a great game and GooGooAction for the very informative tutorial. Translations: French - DarkZonork; German - GooGooAction

1.0 is available (for those who like this version)

-2 times higher and a bit wider
-added time bugs
-changed some common balls to ivy balls
-lines to mark "3D"
-you can't go through shelf and through monitor
-French and German translation

-added Polish language
-graphical fixes
-changed WoG box

There is 1 screenshot.

VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.31AllSun, 03/29/2009 - 03:37GreatEsc.1.31.goomod1.97 MB8,777
1.3AllSun, 03/29/2009 - 01:57GreatEsc.goomod1.91 MB1,169
1.0AllSat, 03/28/2009 - 15:57GreatEscape-1.0.goomod411.34 KB1,286

There are 3 current downloads.