Two sisters

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Total downloads: 2,554
Latest version: 0.3
Release date: 08/31/2011 - 06:17
Very strategic level. Small but not very easy to get OCD what is 36 goo balls. I hope you players will enjoy this level because it's my third one.
Version 0.2 is more difficult from version 0.1 than it looks! Gravity on right is bigger now and the ugly is already busting! I changed one sign a little bit too!
Version | Platform | Release Date | Filename | Size | Downloads |
0.3 | All | Wed, 08/31/2011 - 06:17 | com.goofans.Wikigoo4evr.TwoSisters.goomod | 35.43 KB | 997 |
0.2 | All | Wed, 08/03/2011 - 00:06 | com.goofans.Wikigoo4evr.TwoSisters.goomod | 35.23 KB | 732 |
0.1 | All | Fri, 04/29/2011 - 01:02 | com.goofans.Wikigoo4evr.TwoSisters.goomod | 35.22 KB | 825 |
There are 3 current downloads.
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Fri, 04/29/2011 - 20:21
26 moves for me. I messed up on the whacking part.
By the way, for taking screenshots, a camera is NOT recommended. Instead, press the Prt Sc (printscreen) key, Alt-Tab to go back to your desktop, open Paint, paste, and save as a .png image. It makes for far cleaner-looking screenshots that don't have your reflection in them.
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Sat, 04/30/2011 - 03:58
What you think actually is OCD? it's 36 goo balls if you didn't know. And my forth level will be "Water chain".
EDIT: MOM4evr, I need help - how can I make circle ball with paint. When I maked ball but too bad it was ball in white square. How can I make JUST a ball without anything around?
Sat, 04/30/2011 - 08:36
As I said before, please edit your previous posts rather than double-posting.
I know what the OCD is. I was just saying how many moves I got. I challenge you to get that few moves, because I doubt you can beat that at your current skill level. (whereas quite a few people on this site who are better than me can beat that easily) Please note that I did get the OCD in that run quite easily.
As for making Goo Balls, you CANNOT do it with Paint. Paint is a terrible program. I'd recommend Photoshop if you have it, and if you don't, GIMP is a free alternative. Other people have had success with Paint.NET or similar programs.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Sat, 04/30/2011 - 17:14
Then what I need to use in World of goo ball editor to make goo balls?
And I still have this question - How to change balls require in World of goo level editor to change ball require in my costume levels? And I can not make the next level if I will not going to soar out the answers for these questions. No, MOM4evr I found in WOGBE that what you wrote! So on of my questions are sortes out. Thank you but I need the answer for second one!
Sat, 04/30/2011 - 17:29
I can usually understand you, but this time I can't, sorry. What are you asking?
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Wed, 07/20/2011 - 10:48
I'm asking what I need to use to make images in World of goo editor and goo balls in World of goo ball editor?
Whatever - fixed it (Long and long time ago)
Tue, 08/23/2011 - 05:19
GOTCHA! You had 26 moves (In version 0.1) but I had 15 moves (In version 0.2)! I didn't get OCD in that time but I got 15 moves! I uploaded one image for improvement!
Tue, 08/23/2011 - 05:36
Very good. You're getting better.
13 moves now for me. You can probably get that too.
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Thu, 09/01/2011 - 07:24
Thank you for compliment... You know what... I still think this level has to be changed... As the ugly busting already just makes the level easier! I'll make third version on a minute so the ugly wont bust already anymore
Yappy!!!!!!!!!! 21 moves + OCD in the 0.3 version! Try to get more less moves than me in 0.3 version + with OCD!
Hey did you know?
That in WOG corporation if you are playing with goos frequently, something good might happen!
Do you know what is that "good" what might happen is? Cause I don't... I think that there is nothing special in WOG corp. and it's just "for fun"!
Mon, 08/19/2013 - 22:52
Not sure which version this is- v.03?
Really like the graphics and colors. Fun one. Thanks.;+)
Fri, 02/03/2017 - 13:09
Hehe, just basic black blocks and background in dark red don't make up good graphics, but kudos for the colour scheme. I'm planning to revisit all of my levels I've created at some point. Looking back at it, MOM4evr had a good point about the levels not always being that creative, so for some of them I'll need to think about what to do with.
That "destroyer" idea of mine mentioned in multiple ones seems a bit ridiculous, I don't know what I was thinking, really. Although if I thought about it a bit more, some animated episodes of whatever I thought of before, which I have mentioned in some thread buried long ago wouldn't be too bad of an idea. Just that I have a plenty of other stuff to work on now. Some of my levels also go to show me that not every initial idea, be it in a dream or whatever else is something to put together roughly and release.