WOG first level Mechanical Hell

Pic1Author: Benox.exe
Total downloads: 3,408
Latest version: 0.1
Release date: 05/19/2011 - 19:45
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My first level made with woogle level editor for WOG.

Graphic (the visual art of the level) made with 3ds max and photoshop (Mix 3D 2D environment)
Level design, puzzle of the level ... all made by me.
Only a wheel, the last background, music/fire_sound_loop and the original balls pictures is not made by me (original made by Kyle Gabler , respect Smile
Dark environment and lights effect fit good for the ambiance.
2 custom balls and a big level with many hard steps.

Need 5 balls to complete the level.

YEA I FAIL HARD at the end xD !

If you want to solve it by yourselfe and have the surprise, D'ont watch the video.
Play it , you will see !
Comments please !

WOG custom level Mechanical Hell
WOG custom level Mechanical Hell
by benox50.

There is 1 video.

There are 3 screenshots.

Pic2 (in 3ds max)
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
0.1WindowsThu, 05/19/2011 - 19:45Mechanical_Hell.goomod13.62 MB3,408

There is 1 current download.