idea for WoG 3!

34 replies [Last post]
Joined: 03/19/2010

You have no proof. You won't even post a picture of yourself online like me and Joris!!! (and Martin33 for some reason)

Joined: 12/31/2009

My Mom sayz that I can't do that because she is too pre-cautious.

Most parents are like that, but My parents are completely STRICT about it (however, I would put up a pic if I had the rights...)

Joined: 12/06/2009

what about skype?

My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot Tongue Laughing out loud

Joined: 03/31/2009

Come on you guys!! Why do you discuss your private life in every single topic there is! That's not what are forums for. Please just talk about goo stories, help newcomers, post a record or a new goomod!

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