I joined GooFans after the project was abandoned, but from what I can tell, there are not enough resources to finish it, in terms of people, time, and creativity. I'm afraid to say that the project is discontinued.
Yeah that was quite a few years ago. From what I remember we never could figure out or decide what we were going to do as an overall plot, and it never got further than the drawing board, which is what I think really killed it. Over time people just stopped pitching ideas, nothing got done, and it died.
I joined GooFans after the project was abandoned, but from what I can tell, there are not enough resources to finish it, in terms of people, time, and creativity. I'm afraid to say that the project is discontinued.
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That's sad.
I don't like abandoned projects. But if that's what it is then, well, thistopic might be the last in the category "Goofans Game."
Nerdy Z is coming.
Yeah that was quite a few years ago. From what I remember we never could figure out or decide what we were going to do as an overall plot, and it never got further than the drawing board, which is what I think really killed it. Over time people just stopped pitching ideas, nothing got done, and it died.