Can haz level manifest help?

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Joined: 05/26/2009

Well, I've made an addin including a ball type called "hype", which I made myself. I am making a level for it, which is basically Going Up with Hype balls. When I try to install the addin so far, it says something about there not being a level description in the manifest.
Manifest link:

OVER 9000

Joined: 06/19/2009

Looks like it's because you've specified... addin spec-version="1.0"
but you've actually used the "1.1" specification!

I get the same error if I change 1.1 to 1.0 in my addin.
Changing it to 1.1 in your file, should sort it out!

Joined: 05/26/2009

Oh, I didn't know I used the 1.1 format. Tongue
Wow, how DID I miss that?

OVER 9000

Joined: 05/26/2009

Now there's a fatal error, idk if it has to do with the Hype balls themselves, or the level.

EDIT: I will erase this link after the problem is solved to prevent anyone from getting a sneak-peek at the Hype balls.

OVER 9000

Joined: 06/19/2009

Actually it looks like the problem is your balls! Tongue

I see the Fatal Error when I try to run the level.. BUT!!...
In addition the moment I install the Hype Ball addin Wog Editor won't run!

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 979, in <module>
  File "", line 467, in __init__
  File "", line 484, in _reloadGameModel
  File "", line 148, in __init__
  File "", line 209, in _loadBalls
  File "", line 173, in _loadTree
  File "metaworld.pyc", line 1245, in make_tree_from_xml
  File "metaworld.pyc", line 1139, in make_unattached_tree_from_xml
  File "xml\etree\ElementTree.pyc", line 963, in XML
  File "xml\etree\ElementTree.pyc", line 1245, in feed
xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 10, column 23

Even if I disable the HypeBall addin and Save... WogEditor still won't work.
However.. if I delete the "hype" folder from balls... everything's fine again.

Will investigate further....

Joined: 06/19/2009

Hmm... looks like you've been editting the XML by hand.. and not tested it!
XML Notepad agrees with Wog Editor...

It's resource.xml that's knackered....

Missing "
after id="BODY2
and after id="SPLAT

Fix those, repack and it's fine! Smile

Joined: 05/26/2009

I just noticed - I also forgot a splat image! Wow i messed up. But it will be fixed!

OVER 9000

Joined: 06/19/2009

Oh... and I say "fine"...

Just looked at the level in Wog Editor.... so now I know it's suffering from the no GFX problem.
When I first view it.. it's all black Alt-Tab sorts it.

Hmmm... is that perhaps 'cos of the missing image?

Also... is the ridiculous instability deliberate!?
I only have to attach 3 or 4 balls and the shaking bug hits!