Slamming Goo Through Solid Objects

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MOM's picture
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Joined: 11/28/2010


Quick Question; How do you put goo though solid objects? I tried it with no success. I saw it be done on The Other Shaft and that is one of my final non-OCD completed levels.I don't know if there is a trick to it or if I just have to slam harder.


If a house that weighs 100 pounds (it's a small house) has five birds inside it and the birds start hovering in the house, does the house still weigh 100 pounds?.

Joined: 03/31/2009

You just have to slam harder. Wink try releasing it before your mouse hits the solid object

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Joined: 12/11/2009

And it's easiest, when you throw ball at the angle of two walls.

MOM's picture
Addin Author
Joined: 11/28/2010

kewl thx

-MOM is thankful

If a house that weighs 100 pounds (it's a small house) has five birds inside it and the birds start hovering in the house, does the house still weigh 100 pounds?.