
goo23's picture

World of Goo

Towers by goo23
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
goo23Sat, 10/06/2012 - 03:295.31m8673 days 7 hours
Addins by goo23

Racing With Fire


this is a level that test your speed

by the way, hope you enjoy! Smile

The Pipe Bugs


Is it a bug or is it a feature?... i really don't know Tongue

just try the level!

hope you enjoy! Smile

The Ugly Sacrifice

the ugly and the beauty

in this level you must get the beauty goo to the other side but how?

hope you enjoy! Smile

Around The Wheel

the wheel

this is just a simple level based on rotating wheel

it just a level which will test your speed on playing World of Goo...

by the way, have fun




this just a simple easy level....

hope you enjoy! Smile

Deadly Road


in this level you have to get across a spiky road than you have to walk up a spiky wall to get to the pipe and the OCD is 20 goobals and the goal is 5 goobals

i only give you 4 bones and there will be no hint from the sign painter so the question is can you finish this level

Going Under Water


its a simple level i made

this time the pipe is located under water so you have to swim down...
and you have to watch out for those spiky wall.

the OCD is 30 second

hope you like it Smile

Impossible situation

Impossible situation

this level will test your goo skills, you have to be creative if you want to finish this level

and oh yea the sign painter is on vacation so he cant help you in this one

Floating Way


this level is inspired from momo's level flying and falling

in this level the goo have to get to the mountain
help them to get across the floating rocks

this is just a small level
hope like it! Smile

Whistle color

whistle color

this mod change the whistle color into three different
wonderful color


version 3.1 is out!
now it change the whistle color into 6 different color
special thanks to Albino Pokey and me!


in the new version i fix some problem
and rename the ID

hope you like it!

P.S please rate Smile ( please Crying )


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13 years 3 weeks


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