
WOGVeryBigFan's picture

World of Goo

Towers by WOGVeryBigFan

WOGVeryBigFan hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by WOGVeryBigFan

Wood albino balls

Wood albino balls

This mod change ablino balls into wood balls.

Ode To The Bridge Builder 2

Ode To The Bridge Builder 2

Make very big bridge to pipe on right! Smile This is not easy.

It's possible, why? I beat this level Smile


WARNING balls - sorry for goos size ^^

My second ball mod Smile This time I make WARNING balls Tongue ^^ But I don't know why goo balls are small ^^

Light balls

Light balls in World Of Goo Corp.

My first World Of Goo Corporation balls mod Smile Graphics I made in GIMP. This is easy! Smile

Collect and Go

Screen from level.

My 1st level to WOG Wink

  • Level design: WOGVeryBigFan
  • Graphics: Kyle Gabler
  • Music: Kyle Gabler

Thanks to WOG Editor video-tutorial autor Wink

Bug fixed!


Member for
16 years 1 week


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