Collect and Go

Screen from level.Author: WOGVeryBigFan
Total downloads: 3,491
Latest version: 1.2
Release date: 04/03/2009 - 10:01
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Your rating: None Average: 3.4 (20 votes)
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Your rating: None Average: 2.6 (9 votes)

My 1st level to WOG Wink

  • Level design: WOGVeryBigFan
  • Graphics: Kyle Gabler
  • Music: Kyle Gabler

Thanks to WOG Editor video-tutorial autor Wink

Bug fixed!

There is 1 screenshot.

Screen from level.
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.2WindowsFri, 04/03/2009 - 10:01CollectAndGo.goomod5.37 KB3,433

There is 1 current download.