
World of Goo

Towers by ron

ron hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by ron

Moon Unlocker

Hidden level

World of Goo, an error in Chinese patch 1.5.

This level was originally used to open the chapter 6: the moon, but 2D Boy did not make the sixth chapter, so there is this extra level.

This level is not how interesting, I made some change, but I will try to keep it original.

0.3 Updated

Make the chapter button appear in the pool in Chapter 1 by modifying the existing XML

World of Goo Update

This patch updates World of Goo to version 1.30. It is mirrored here as the official 2dboy download site is no longer available.

Birthday Nostalgia

Fly Away Little ones, before we had big tongues

For World of Goo's birthday today, what could be better than a pack of levels giving us nostalgia about how the game used to be, and celebrating how far it's come? Happy Birthday, World of Goo! This is my super-secret birthday project I've been working on for the past 20 minutes. Basically, it's the old levels revised. I block-copied most of the info from the original XML files (It's surprising how little of the XML file format changed over the course of development), so these levels are as close to the originals as you can get! A few of them I made changes to, for various reasons.

Junk In The Trunk

Junk In The Trunk

One of early levels of Kyle and Ron found on beta versions of World of Goo. It very rare!
OCD: 20 moves

0.9v on 16. October 2010.

don't forget to rate! Smile


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15 years 45 weeks


2D BoyAddin Author