Level Pack Addins

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the information superhighway newer and retro level pack
just something inspired by Jhonen Vasquez

so i just made this mod on one of those invader zim games called No Straight Roads and it kind of reminds me of the information superhighway a bit so i made a level kit by my other old new friend Goomatz and he's like a British bunny friend of mine and i use the beauty for that new beautiful virtual underwater level aqua highway and ya its inspired by one of Monochrome's level called Surfing The Internet if you haven't played yet go ahead http://goofans.com/download/level/surfing-internet

im sorry mod pack
im sorry for being so annoying on discord

so you might be wondering why im not talking on the Goofans discord lately well its because i was been annoying to someone about something and some of my friends blocked me and now im very sad so i made those mods to have them back and i don't know how long is going to take for me to stop being annoying and for them to unblock me for because i really miss APearson and serafim because i was being annoying to them so here's a pack i made for them ho blocked me for no reason and i promise that i will improve my self a bit and hopefully things will be nicer again sorry for those that i bother

tower master pack

my first level pack (click downloads and download all goomods)

Metal WoG
Poster of the Official Metal Levels by inwog.

Metal World of Goo is my first addin to contain Custom Balls. You need to get the Metal Sandbox in order to play this one.

- 25 Levels, scattered from the original World of Goo
- 15 Custom Balls
- a simple storyline

Pipe Problems

Two levels with weird exit-features:
The exit issue (2012) - my 50th level which looks easy at first glance...
Pipe problems (2023) - pipe is blocking the way!

Challenge Levels 2: The Goo Skills
Poster of Challenge Levels 2

Challenge Levels 2 is the new version of Challenge Levels. Prove your skills by finishing 15 classes of challenge. Brainstorm yourself to solve your way. Read signposts to see goal and ocd.

Level made by inwog.

Creatures in WoG
Creatures in WOG Poster

Creatures in WOG is a remake or rip-off of Robot Head Destroyer Levels. Your objective is to stop the creatures from eating goo balls in different environments.

inwog's not-really advanced level.

Space Odyssey
Cover art

Space Odyssey is the first LP by Goofans United. The level pack was done by the 2 active members of the union, .SlipKnoT._2_2 and the creator of the LP itself, gooey goo. The chapter includes 6 levels, all created by gooey goo. SlipKnoT debugged all the levels and created the LP's structure. The level pack is actually a trashed/shelved project of gooey goo that SlipKnoT saved.

Level Listing

1. Surrounded (Moon Round-About)
2. Arise!
3. Barriers of Death
4. Arise! II
5. Beyond the Moon
6. Core Values


Space Discovery

This is a level pack containing six levels about discovering the space. In fact, these levels were made about three years ago, and were originally part of a chapter. But the chapter remains unfinished for some reasons, so these levels are released now.

Ivy Puzzles
The first puzzle

My 52nd and 64th levels at GooFans.

The balls you can see are not true Ivy Balls. Playing with my fake Ivies is quite original. I've never seen any other detachable-not-draggable ball.

Since version 1.1 (2023) there are two levels. Both with moves OCD.
