Tower Of Goo Limited

Moveing GroundAuthor: Goosweek
Total downloads: 2,909
Latest version: 1.1
Release date: 01/05/2010 - 08:49
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with GooTool
Overall rating
Your rating: None Average: 3.9 (7 votes)
Difficulty rating
Your rating: None Average: 2.8 (4 votes)

My thrid interesting level.
How to build a tower on moveing island?
May be challenging...

Enjoy moveing ground! Smile

The secound version has been uploaded.

In this version I changed OCD to 16 goos (but 19 is possible).
And... there are no supporting balls up...
I hope that small change makes this level more difficult

There is 1 screenshot.

Moveing Ground
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.1AllTue, 01/05/2010 - 08:49Goosweek.TowerOfGooLimited.v2.goomod4.35 KB1,867
0.9AllWed, 12/23/2009 - 23:20Goosweek.TowerOfGooLimited.goomod7.57 KB1,042

There is 1 current download. Show 1 archived download.