Other Addins

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Texture Format and Size Tests

A series of test levels to find out what formats and sizes of graphics files are "suitable" for the game. The aim is to get these levels tested on as many different platforms and systems as possible. Then to use the results to produce some "Guidelines" for level designers regarding the custom graphics they use.

Test #1 : 1024x1024 JPEG
Test #2 : 2048x2048 RGBA PNG
Test #3 : 2048x2048 LA PNG
Test #4 : 2048x2048 JPEG
Test #5 : 2400x2400 PNG
Test #6 : 2400x2400 JPEG
Test #7 : 4100x4100 PNG

Help us out!

The Albino Pokey Goo Ball Library
Albino Pokey!

This is currently a beta version, just so that people can see it. All it does is add some new Goo Balls which can be used in levels.

It includes:

  • Glow
  • Glow Product
  • Gold
  • Evil
  • Inferno
  • UtilEarthquake
  • Helium
  • Ice
World of Goo game:"hello:We here"

PThis is World of Goo platform game where you must to draw way for goo ball.Includes 18 different levels and sandbox.Your line can be burn or it can make itself.Made with Game Maker.Press ENTER to start the game.WASD to move.ESC to exit.Mouse draw li

String of Goo (Wog2)
Don't Touch The Red Goo.

Behold... The fan Sequel of WOG! this game is different from World of Goo, as you can not build towers yet. BUT you can be a small gooball that swings on other gooballs.
So far it's just a test.
F1 for help.
Goos So far...

If you have any ideas or concerns. just say so in the comments.

Distortion OST

Download All The Zip Files to complete the OST

This is the OST for my sixth chapter "Distortion". It contains 14 tracks. The tracks are in 4 individual .zip files. Press "Show 4 archived downloads" to download them individually.
Best played with iTunes.
Some of the tracks here are shortened in the chapter so here is a complete OST with full length tracks.


Auto Apply Chinese
in game

Exclamation Mark WARNING Exclamation Mark
1:Do NOT try if you don't have Chinese translation(download?)!
2:this addin will change some things e.g. your display resolution (sorry...).


I found out that GooTool always changes language to English or French etc. If game players want to play game with Chinese translation, they have to edit CONFIG.TXT after save addins. This addin can edit CONFIG.TXT automatically. You don't need to edit CONFIG.TXT anymore!

External "Vector Sandbox"

It's something like protothypes from Experimental Gameplay Project.
But the author is not Kyle Gabler, but... Goosweek's Goomods Factory.

This is free area filled by Goo Balls working like this from Information Superhighway.
Two MODS allowed:
NORMAL - with vertical gravity
RADIAL - with central gravity like in Graphics Processing Unit.

Full information about options under F1 key.

Tower Of Goo Unlimited

Bummed about the 300 gooball limit in World of goo Corp.? Then download Tower Of Goo Unlimited, all credit to Kyle Gabler. Just extract the zip file.
If necessary I will make a exe setup version.

Goo Bounce

This is a seperate game to world of goo but still goo themed.
It is just one exe so no need to install with asetup or anything.
Press F1 for help:

Keep the left button of the mouse pressed to push the gooballs upwards.
Esc to quit.
F5: save game
F6: load game
F9: take a screenshot of the game

DaB's Discoveries and Experimental Fings

Fings wot I made / found / unearthed / imagined....
