External "Vector Sandbox"

Author: Goosweek
Total downloads: 3,894
Latest version: Source
Release date: 12/08/2010 - 07:51
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It's something like protothypes from Experimental Gameplay Project.
But the author is not Kyle Gabler, but... Goosweek's Goomods Factory.

This is free area filled by Goo Balls working like this from Information Superhighway.
Two MODS allowed:
NORMAL - with vertical gravity
RADIAL - with central gravity like in Graphics Processing Unit.

Full information about options under F1 key.

A Lot of things (and more, so it's easy to crash it) are customizable in properties.gml file, or by changing original files (graphics and music). For graphisc are allowed .jpg, .png, .bmp and .gif (not animated) files.
And you can remove lines about resources (with adding // before them). The sound will be not very funny, but programm will work.

Added EYES for balls!... and PARTICLES!... and some help for properties.gml's editors.
Added image for planet, changed backgounds and music. More help for properties.gml's editors.
Added "setup wizard", interesting Goo coloring system (could be turned off in properties.gml), red-green particles. Changed key-functions: new feature: reload balls.

This project is closed. Now SOURCE .gmk FILE AVAILABLE AT GOOFANS!

It is only inspired by World of Goo.
Vector Ball Symulator. Goosweek's Goomods Factory (c) 2010
Created in Game Maker 8.0 pro.

It could be uncompatible with mouse on some notebooks. And I haven't test it on Windows 7.

There are 4 screenshots.

New feature: colored balls
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
SourceSourceWed, 12/08/2010 - 07:51Source.zip2.89 MB343
0.4WindowsFri, 06/11/2010 - 09:08VectorSanbox4.setup.exe4.16 MB2,838
0.3WindowsWed, 06/02/2010 - 09:39VectorSandbox3.zip4.07 MB263
0.2WindowsFri, 05/28/2010 - 07:02VectorSandbox.version2.zip3.31 MB240
0.1WindowsFri, 05/21/2010 - 06:16VectorBallSymulator.release1.zip3.28 MB210

There are 2 current downloads. Show 3 archived downloads.