New Member

9 replies [Last post]
Joined: 05/08/2010

Hey everyone,

I'm new and I thought I'd introduce myself and hopefully meet some people here. I've been playing WoG for awhile, but I just joined recently. I'm trying to get WoG Editor working so I can put some of my stuff up here too...
Anyways, just saying hi and nice to meet ya!

Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...

Joined: 04/10/2009

Hiya!Welcome to Goofans! Laughing out loud

Crazeh man!

Joined: 12/31/2009

Hellloooooooooo! Laughing out loud

Joined: 07/21/2009

nice to meet you, Ruralgeek!

Joined: 12/06/2009

welcome from the whole GooMaster Incorperation!

My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot Tongue Laughing out loud

Joined: 09/01/2009

Welcome to goofans!

Joined: 12/19/2009

ugh i know eweryone is going crazy about topics for sayng hi but welcome!

Joined: 04/21/2009

Hi, as you can see, we're trapped in this corner of the internet by some kind of government conspiracy.

Joined: 12/19/2009

!? trapped?

Joined: 01/24/2010

sorry for late but hello!

Spongebob rulez too Crown Crown Crown Crown
