Thanks, Goofans!

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Joined: 02/02/2014

Greetings, from a newly-registered member of Goofans, I have a happy tale to tell.

We use Linux-based OSes almost exclusively (even Android is Yet Another Flavour of Linux).
Yes, I'm an engineer and there is a bushy white beard involved.Wink

World of Goo was one of the very best games designed to run on Linux when first it appeared, and still is, in our view. Bought it very early on after discovering that the demo 'just worked' in Linux. Bargain.

So when we needed to update the desktop OS and our fresh install of Bodhi Linux failed to install Goo, I was bothered.

Looked like a corrupted install file, somehow.
The backup was similarly afflicted despite different MD5SUM values that raised our hopes.
Murphy rules, indeed. -sigh-

Our download keys were in an email that had been eaten by Telstra's less-than-wonderful BigPond webmail years back (typical), and I could -not- find the backup.
My bad.

So more in hope than expectation, I filled in the email form on the 2DBoy site, explaining all this and including my PayPal receipt number.

...and an email arrived back pronto with a new link. Amazing!
All praise to 2DBoy!

But then there was another problem.

The game would now install, but not run. Had a look at the error log and the messages in the terminal. Hmmm.... Looks messy. Libraries, perhaps?

DuckDuckGo search brought us here, where advice and links were plentiful, and helpful.

With three files downloaded, we were back in action, and I'm a happy bloke again!

The Android demo of Goo runs really well on our el-cheapo Aldi tablet so we're about to purchase the full version for the family fondleslab...

It does one good to find that companies like 2DBoy still exist, and that they are supported by an excellent community like this one.

Thanks, folks!

Joined: 08/06/2010

It does us equal good to find that people are still interested in Goo and are finding this forum, all this time after the game's release. I'm glad it's working for you! Smile

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 12/23/2010

As AP said, very nice to see people still loving WoG and discovering this site! Good job on getting it working again Smile

(Also bushy white beards FTW Wink)

Joined: 02/02/2014

Bushy white beards indeed! (Must upload an avatar - done)
We didn't do a beard-off, but mine was pretty close to Stallman's at the time we met.

Truly great games last forever, almost. WoG pases that test, no error.

@AP, you are so right. And after this length of time, there's a good chance that a new generation will now be around to taste the excellence of Goo.
2DBoy deserves that, imho.

Since the original post I've received a personal note from Ron Carmel at 2DBoy, informing me that he'd sent me the link and wishing me well.