Goofans regularly inaccessible

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 07/06/2014

It seems that every day, around a certain time, Goofans seems to stop responding for a while, becoming completely inaccessible (but no timeout seems to occur). If GooTool tries to interact with the site during this, it locks up and can only be closed with Task Manager (on Windows at least).

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this, and if so, why it's happening.

My Top 5 tower[s]: 51.38m Profile | 51.17m Video - Click on my username to see my addins.

Joined: 02/20/2011

I've noticed this sometimes as well. It might be site maintenance, or what/whomever hosts this site may undergo maintenance. If it's always at the same time, it would probably be on purpose.


Joined: 12/05/2013

As an active addin author, i must keep track of my addins if they are least downloaded and post addins every week. I do notice every time i open it and let it stay open for a while, it suddenly stops responding and I close it. But when i open the browser again, i have to wait for minutes for it to open again.Yes,there must be changes going on around here thats why this is happening. I hope.

Nerdy Z is coming.