
Deku's picture


About Me

Hi! I'm currently rather inactive now, but while I was still playing regularly I constructed the world's tallest world of goo tower without any holes or gaps in its base. A video of a very similar tower I built (51.17m rather than 51.38m) can be seen here:

I still have plans for a tower design which may be able to reach heights of 60 meters - but it's an extremely daunting build and it is likely I will never complete it.

I also made a couple difficult levels for you all to try and complete. Both I worked to make as unique as possible. You can see them below.

World of Goo

Towers by Deku
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
temporaryMon, 09/18/2023 - 17:5051.38m1,1402 days 17 hours
Addins by Deku

Exclusion Delusion


Something's strange about that pipe... very strange.

I think this is the first level to use this, but I could be wrong.

A Miniature Adventure

Waking goo

Build up and up to the skies with the mini gooballs from MOM's Computer! Who knows what they will find up there?

OCD set at 16 gooballs for now. Suggestions on whether to change it (and what to change it to) are appreciated.

This should be quite challenging. I personally found it difficult to complete so I have no clue how difficult others will find it to be.


Member for
10 years 35 weeks


Senior ArchitectAddin AuthorSerious OCD