No "Continue" Pendalum showing on 1680 by 1050 resolution
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Tue, 06/09/2009 - 10:17
once its complete the the rope of the pendalum only appears can there an extra option in the esc section that would allow the map to end
no way to end the map and continuing IN SMALL DIVIDE UNDER 1680 - 1050 RES
the pendalum isnt there
My guess is you didn't patched the game.
patch it here and come back if you still have problems
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Yeah, happened to me when i changed resolution to widescreen before patch, now im happy because i can play Goo in Widescreen! Now, i can see 10% more infinity in WoGC!
OVER 9000
i patched it.. but it still dose it on some lvl's... mostly the basic lvlv's (the one that came with the game) the non-addin lvl's... i went into the config, and changed it to 1440 x 900...
and i also changed my settings in goo tool.. (a combo of both, and just one of at a time, to troubleshoot).. i have it set to widescreen 1440x900... and i can see everything just fine, but the contuine sign drops down way to low.. and i can bearly click it.. and the goo jar (after clicking contuine) is overfilled with large goo.. to large goo...
i did patch the game.... and it still goes on....
-- MitchellX
Hmm, when I play 1440 x 900, no problem for me (except slow, but that's my whimpy graphics card's fault). Sometimes the WOG patch doesn't work correctly (Doesn't really put everything in the directory you want it to, it created a second directory with the same name for me! ), so double-check and make sure it's working. Go to your WOG installation folder (the one you play from), and check. I think my version didn't have in res/images all the "continue" handle images in all the different languages. If you only have an English "continue" handle image, try reinstalling WOG patch, or at least make sure it's in the right folder. (Your version of WOG may be different, so if you do have the other languages of "continue" handles, it still may be a problem)
Anyway, of course, you can still run WOG in 800x600 (like I do on my 1440x900 screen), and it still looks fine, but of course this isn't directly solving the problem!
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well.. it's the contiune handle (as soon as i get the x # of goo needed to contuine) whenn the handle thingy drops.. i can see it.. but when it drops all the way, it drops lower than the screen.. makeing me drag my mouse all the way to the bottom.. and clicking it on a certian point.. so i can contiune (it takes about 15 - 30 sec to find the right place to click).. i will try the patch again.. but i don't think thats the problem
-- MitchellX
The falling handle problem in higher resolutions was in the first version of WoG. Patch fixed it. Trust me and try to install the patch again
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
the handle prob? try playing out of widescreen
if your pc can't handle it, do pavke's suggestion
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if your pc can't handle it, do pavke's suggestion
Yes, I have tried widescreen on my computer and my monitor doesn't show everything.