invalid image reference
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I want to attach an image to some geometry (in this case a circle).
What I do is this: I copy the desired image to the level's directory, click on the "update level resources" button and then edit the circle's image property specifying the image id. After I press enter the text field I just edited turns white again, the whole level view becomes white and everything is sort of broken. In the console window I have these warnings:
Warning: invalid image reference: "(u'LEVEL_IMAGE_WHEEL3',)"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "metaelementui.pyc", line 280, in setModelData
File "metaworld.pyc", line 1798, in set
File "louie\dispatcher.pyc", line 352, in send
File "louie\robustapply.pyc", line 56, in robust_apply
File "levelview.pyc", line 1144, in __on_element_updated
File "levelview.pyc", line 1170, in refreshFromModel
File "levelview.pyc", line 1225, in _addElements
File "levelview.pyc", line 1217, in _addElements
File "levelview.pyc", line 1416, in _sceneCircleBuilder
File "levelview.pyc", line 1356, in _applyPixmapTransform
File "levelview.pyc", line 1368, in _applyTransform
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'NoneType'
If I have another level opened in the editor and I switch to this level (to copy some geometry properties for example) I cannot switch back then to my level anymore. My level view window is still there. But when I click on it I can't access the level's properties anymore (in the side bar: Scene/Level/Resources). It still shows the properties of the other level.
For example I have my level, called "whatever", and in parallel I have opened "ThirdWheel" to copy properties from there. I want to add a circle to my level that looks the same as the "wheel3" from "ThirdWheel". So I add a circle to my level, I copy the wheel3 image to my level directory, update level resources, edit my circle's "image" property, get these error messages, my level view turns white. I then switch to the "ThirdWheel" level to copy the other properties I need for my circle and then I cannot switch back to my level anymore. It still shows the level properties of "ThirdWheel" in the sidebar and not those of my own level. Even if I close "ThirdWheel" then and have only my own level "whatever" opened then there are still the "ThirdWheel" level properties in the side bar and I can't edit my own level anymore.
I have done this several times with different images and so on. It's always the same. This sucks. How in the world has anybody ever been able to make a level with wogeditor? Please tell me.
yep, that's an annoying bug of wogedit. i had to learn it the hard way,too
the trick is to fill the other image attributes of the geometry objects first. (imageposition, size, rotation...)
if you edit the "image" field last, the text will stick.
and everythings ok besides the image still won't show in the editor... but when you run the level, you'll see that it's there.
(hope you understood that, sorry, i'm german.
| Fly Her to the Moon (with Antigravity Goo) | Infinitive Windows Freezer (unlimited Goo playground) |
Yay, thank you! Now I can finally try to create the best World of Goo level in the world.
Concerning your English: I can see nothing wrong with that. Maybe that is because I'm German, too. ^^
This is my signature.
the best world of goo level... i'd be surprised if that's not already part of the game

do you have something special in mind?
und danke.^^ i'm getting the impression that most goomodders are german or at least can speak german...
| Fly Her to the Moon (with Antigravity Goo) | Infinitive Windows Freezer (unlimited Goo playground) |
No, I don't have a specific concept. And the "best World Of Goo level in the world" was a joke, of course ^^. I just have some random ideas, especially concerning unusual gravity and other force fields. At the moment I'm still trying to figure out how everything works, for example all the parameters of a force field (antigrav=false/true, dampeningfactor...), or what a "motor" is. Maybe I should start another topic for that...
This is my signature.