Anybody tried WOG2 yet?

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Joined: 03/06/2012

Hey Ive just bought the game and want to ask the old pals in this forums (back from the modding glory days) that anyone had tried the new game. Also your opinions on it if u had!

All my addin | I love you World of Goo!

Joined: 12/11/2009

I resisted no longer than until August 5th with buying the sequel.
First three chapters are great. The gravity levels in C4 are neat. The visual diversity is impressive.
The rest is just a remake of the old one. Many ideas (goo ball species) are underused. There should be 10 chapters with 10 levels each (4-5 can be optional for those who want to rush with the plot).
I wasn't a huge fan of the plot of WoG1, but unlike the new one it used to make sense. I agree with the opinion that the story seems written independently by several people and at the end it was all forcibly put together. Why the part 1 legacy (the moon discovered on closing) is omitted? Why the mysterious gap in the history of Goo is not resolved? It's great we've got a new world of goo but they didn't nailed it like the first one.

My spoiler-review is HERE .

Joined: 05/18/2010

I am basing my info more on my research on attempting modding tho i did beat the game.

Gameplay while fun is completely all over the place in the later chapters.
Goosweek is telling the truth about the story.

My own final note is that the game felt both uninventive while at the same time possibly a bit too inventive. Plus it lacked a level of consistency that the first game had.

This game feels less like a sequal to the first and more like they took the idea of the first and just ran with it.