Dutch translations
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Thu, 02/25/2010 - 06:20
I´m playing world of goo a lot, and after so many hours I still like it. Lately I bought the pc version and discovered this site. I discovered also the fun levels that you can download here. I only have one problem most of the levels are in English and I like dutch more. I also played the level jingle balls wich is a good example of a good dutch translation. But there are some levels and mods that have wrong or no dutch translation. I think it would be a good idea to make more correct dutch translations. I would be happy to translate any mod, level, sign painter, level name etc. etc. So if you have something I can translate I would be happy to translate. Oh, and don´t use google translator. It sucks.
Well, you can't ALWAYS rely on mechanical translators, he's right about that. For the accurate stuff, you gotta know a guy
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Well, we know HIM don't we...
Dutch people! HOORAY!
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
I'm not sure how many people here know Dutch. If you want Dutch translations, you'd have to do most of it yourself. Have fun, because it'll take quite a while to translate everything on this site.
(BTW, if you want to translate WoG Portable, you're welcome to, but you'll have to help me implement a translation system for it
Author of World of Goo Portable. Download here!
To make my point clear, I don't want other people to do all the translation work, I think it's kinda fun to do it by myself.
If you can give me the whole English text I can start tomorrow. I also know someone that speaks Italian and she also wants to translate WoG portable for you if you want to. If it's not to complicated I can also help you with implanting a translation system.
@ GMMan
Ok, I will translate WoG portable.
Want a dutch translation for your level, mod or sign painter? I would be happy to translate. So ask/pm me!
Yes. Basically what would be easy for everyone is to have something like this:
TEXT: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRANSLATION:
goo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fgkd (or something)
love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fgkd (I know I'm not very creative...)
This sort of chart would be easy for people to understand. I would love if you could give me a translation of GooMaker for me. All the used text is on the program, or if you can't run it (like some XP users), the screenshot has full-view. It would only take a little while to copy the project folder and alter the involved text...a little.