World of Goo Portable

World of Goo Portable Main Interface (With GooTool)Author: GMMan
Total downloads: 10,860
Latest version: 0.21
Release date: 04/30/2010 - 16:58
Overall rating
Your rating: None Average: 4.1 (17 votes)

World of Goo Portable is a launcher for World of Goo that automatically copies your World of Goo profile between the computer that you are on and your portable drive.
Important update: This latest release (0.21) fixes an issue with profile copying, along with new features and improvements. Please update!
Also: Source code now uploaded! (People sure love source code? It's on par with the download of the binaries.)

For more information, please see its main thread at,2336.0.html
Thread at GooFans Forum:

Tested Windows Vista/7 and 64-bit compatible!

Current Version:
[0.21 Beta] (April 30, 2010)

  • Issue with profiles left behind on host computer fixed
  • Now 100% portable (detection and deletion routine for 2DBoy profile folder implemented)
  • Automatic launching (option in Options dialog box is now enabled and improved)
  • Check for modded World of Goo implemented (option and button for modded World of Goo is disabled if a modded installation is not found)
  • I think there's something else, but I can't remember what it was...
  • Question I anticipate most people will ask: Why is my "Play Modded" button and/or "Autostart Modded World of Goo" option grayed out?
    The answer to that is simple, if you read the changelog: It indicates that you have not added a modded version of World of Goo yet. To add it, start GooTool and set you "Custom World of Goo Directory" to your WorldOfGooPortable\app\WoGModded folder. If the copying was successful, you will be able to use the button/option.

    Important: Upgrading from Version 0.1x to 0.2x!
    Because version 0.2 use a slightly different directory structure than all previous versions, it is necessary to make some adjustments for version 0.2 to function as expected.
    Please download the file below. Extract to a convenient location and read the readme included. Make sure you read the readme so that you wouldn't botch your installation!

    Updating from 0.2 to 0.21
    Just overwrite your WorldOfGooPortable.exe with the one included in the new package. (Simple, huh?)

    If you like this utility, please vote!

    Note: This would likely be the last feature-implementation release. I will release the source code soon so that the developers out there can pick out some bugs. Also on the horizon: a new framework for making portable game launchers, which World of Goo Portable will be converted to. Stay tuned!

    There are 2 screenshots.

    World of Goo Portable Main Interface (With GooTool)
    World of Goo Portable Main Interface (Without GooTool)
    VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
    0.21SourceFri, 04/30/2010 - 16:58WorldOfGooPortable-source-0.21-fulltree.zip2.48 MB3,692
    0.21SourceFri, 04/30/2010 - 16:56WorldOfGooPortable-source-0.21.zip825.19 KB837
    0.21WindowsFri, 04/30/2010 - 13:34WorldOfGooPortable021.zip367.55 KB3,087
    0.2WindowsSat, 12/12/2009 - 18:57WorldOfGooPortableUpgrader.zip272.65 KB1,380
    0.2WindowsSun, 12/06/2009 - 02:14WorldOfGooPortable02.zip355.77 KB938
    0.12WindowsMon, 11/30/2009 - 12:36WorldOfGooPortable012.zip425.58 KB469
    0.11WindowsSun, 11/29/2009 - 17:01WorldOfGooPortable011.zip351.86 KB457

    There are 4 current downloads. Show 3 archived downloads.