i cant test the levels that i have made
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Sun, 05/02/2010 - 05:13
each time i press save and play level on world of goo editor it starts playing world of goo. but it doesnt play the level that i made.someone please help me.
When you say...
Does it ....
a) Start World of Goo "normally" you see the full intro and then the World and the chapters...
If so... you need the v1.3 patch
Go here... http://goofans.com/faq/world-goo/getting-world-goo
b) If it shows you the text scrolling up, then your level name.. then crashes...
That's a more difficult problem to solve...
What version is your goo? If it isn't anything that has to do with v1.30 (get it here: http://worldofgoo.com/dl2.php?lk=patch )
(easiest way to check is to see if you can play the MOM level again in Ch. 4, but If you haven't gotten there yet, you may have to just have to get the patch anyway. All the clues lead up to the final decision....GET PATCH! )
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
what do i do when i get the patch.
ok i just pushed that botun again. it said come whitch is the name for the game whitch i made.then it made a noise and didnt start.what should i do.
You mean wog editor? (it sounds alot like it apparently, so I will ask some Q's.)
You pushed what button?
And.....what kind of noise? (high pitched, beep, crackle, etc.)
What did you name your level, anyway?
If you have already started on it before hand, what did you put in it?
Please answer the questions so we may further investigate your problem.
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
yes wog editor.i pushed save and play level button.the noise was high pitch and it sounded like jing.i dont understand that last question.o and i named the level come.
My last question was have you already started on it.
More questions:
Have you changed the wog directory in any way?
Are you using demo version?
Are you editing any .xml/.bin lately?
Are you drinking cheez wiz while you are reading this? (just checking)
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
i have started makig the level.i am not using the demo version.and i also have wii version o this game.i havent changed it eny way.i am not editing eny of those programs.in mycountry they dont sel cheese in a can.
And the program stopped working? Or just that level? Does the patch come with instructions? (cause I forgot how to ) And it sucks not to have sprayable cheese, man.
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
the level doesnt start.and it realy is too bad you cant buy cheese in a can in my country.but you can buy cheese that you can spread on bread with a knife but it isnt the same.
So the button is pressed, but nothing happens? Or only the list of items in the level appears? Could it be that when the level finished loading the rising text box, (World of Goo loading screen) and the name of the level appears, and then it quits out? And I don't know many people that like spreadable cheese on breads. (But we use it for awesome cheesy nachos! ^^
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
when i press the button it starts, shows the name of the level an then stops.
I get that a lot, too. It means there is something wrong with one of your attributes. Double check everything. If there is an X symbol anywhere, then it means the attribute is not perfect. to Make it perfect, you may have to adjust.
*Make sure all rectangles have a mass, a material, an X,Y value other than 0.
*all ball types are typed in correctly. (If you are using a custom ball you made you might need to check the .xml and make any changes you aren't sure are positively sure about.
*If you are using an image, make sure that before you save images to put in World Of Goo, make them have the extension ".png" at the end.
*If you are using music, you should use an audio converter to change from mp3, mid, etc. to .ogg, other wise there will be problems in it and the game won't load properly.
If you have double checked and there is still a big problem with it, then report it and any additional details back here. I will try to help
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
i have one question for you.are you talking abaut wog editor 0.6+ or some other version.
This applies with all versions of WoG editor. If you have the latest version (which is also the best so far) some of this stuff should be automatic.
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
ok but i dont understand what is the y and x value.
Ahh.. you've hit (ii) from my post...
Unfortunately there's loads of different things that can cause that...
And it's very difficult for us to tell you what.
The next version of Wog Editor 0.6+ will have a lot of extra checks in to try to warn / fix as many of these problems as I can.
Your best ways forward are....
i) Just wait for the next version... couple of days probably.
ii) Fill in all the addin info and try to make a goomod of your level... that has a few extra checks in.
If you can make a goomod, upload it to somewhere (mediafire / rapidshare or whatever) and post a link here... I'll download it, run it through my version and see if it can figure out what the problem is.
i can test my level now.and i do have wog editor 0.6