WoG Editor Map Help
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Sun, 05/09/2010 - 07:07
Hey everyone,
I'm new here, so maybe I'm missing something obvious, but whenever I startup the map editor, and make a new level, nothing happens. I can load pre-existing ones, but if I try to create something brand new, no empty window comes up in the editing-box or anything. What am I doing wrong?
It should just ask you for a level name, then display a "proto-level"
You must have "permissions" to create folders and files in the WorldofGoo folder you selected for editting.
What OS /Platform?
Which WoG Editor Version?
No reported problems in this area... as yet.
Ok, I got the editor working after I changed the location and stuff. But when I try to add any child image or sound, I can't because it says that I'm missing the "Path". I assume it means the location of the image/file on my computer. But I'm kinda stuck here. I'm using Windows Vista Home premium, and editor .69 Thanks for the help and I apologize for my noob questions.
Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...
You don't need to add images / sounds to the resource tree "manually"... anymore.
For images...
Use the Import Images button on the toolbar... find the image you want in the dialog and click open. That will add the image to your resources list.
After which you can apply it to any item with an image property.
Music is even easier...
Click the Set Music button on the toolbar.. choose the file you want.. done
Same for LoopSound
If you're following a tutorial... it's probably VERY out of date....
I'm just trying to write a new one that covers the 0.6+ version, and all the new and wonderful things it does.
Ok, thanks! I was following an old wiki which was more confusing than helpful. Thanks and keep up the great work
Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...
I have another question (sorry) How do I test the level? I hit the "save and play" button, but it just loads up WoG regularly like any other time and nothing special happens.
Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...
Hmm... I might want to put this a bit higher up on the WoG Editor page...
IMPORTANT Info for Windows Users:
To play your levels directly from WoG Editor you need the WoG v1.3 patch.
Oh, now I feel stupid. Thanks again.
Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...
I know you probably hate me by now, but whenever I load my map, it shows the map loading screen and says, "(map name)" "testing 123) then it crashes and I get the dreaded "FATAL ERROR" box with this note.
Exception: Access Violation (code 0xc0000005) at address 774459C3 in thread 824
Module: ntdll.dll
Logical Address: 0001:000649C3
0012F7B8 774459C3 RtlAllocateHeap+11D
Params: 0012F828 0012FA3C 0626E628 0012F7E0
StackWalk failed (error 299)
EAX:75988CED EBX:0012F828 ECX:01E50000 EDX:0012F828 ESI:2526F4F6 EDI:0012F820
EIP:774459C3 ESP:0012F784 EBP:0012F7B8
CS:001B SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000
Windows Ver: NT 6.0 Service Pack 1 Build 6001
DDraw Ver: 6.0.6000.16386
DSound Ver: 6.0.6000.16386
Product: Product
Time Loaded: 00:00:08
Fullscreen: No
Primary ThreadId: 824
Sorry to bug you AGAIN, but I'm really trying to figure this out.
Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...
Vista right? Do you run WoG as a administrator? Try that, it might help.
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In fact, I'm a bit ahead of you at the moment...
I just finished writing the "When I click Play WoG shows the Title Screen then crashes" entry...
Restart WoG Editor, Load one of the original levels AB3 or whatever, don't change anything... Hit Play.. Does that work?
If that doesn't work, then it's something about your system, but I'm at a loss as to what (try Pavke's idea above) but it's not to do with WoG Editor
If the original level works... load yours and try it again.
If WoG still crashes at the title screen...its something about your level.
There's lots of things that can crash WoG, I've added checks / protection into WoG Editor to catch (almost) all the ones I know about, maybe you just found a new way.
Or maybe you've hit one of the 2 ways I only just added checks for (in the next version) or the 1 way I know of I can't detect / stop.
Given what's gone before in this thread... First Check...
Resource Entries with invalid path values, or paths that are "valid" but are wrong and don't actually point to a file. Especially any you added "manually" to the tree when you were following the old tutorial.
If you've got "bad" entries you must remove or fix them before you try to play.
There's a couple of other possibilities.. but I think that's most likely.
I don't think it's my computer, 'cause all the official maps run fine. I'm trying what you said and I'll keep you posted.
Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...
Everything works fine now, thanks for the patch.
I have one final question, How do I add spike things? I know how to add the image, but how do I add the thing that actually hurts the goo?
Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...
Well.. I'm managing to stay one step ahead...
I just added a page which explains the tag attribute... http://goofans.com/developers/wog-editor-06/tag-attribute
What you need is some geometry.. a rectangle, a circle, maybe a line... something for the Goos to hit.
You can use the lines if the spikes are at the sides or the bottom of the level.
If the spikes are "inside" the level, just add a rectangle over the graphic.
Either way...
set tag = deadly for the object you want to do the killing!
Thanks a ton
I really appreciate it.
Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...
Do not use the "deadly" tag if you want the spikes to kill everything. Found out some time ago that you will for example still be able to attach a Pokey to the surface.
Afaik, for absolutely deadly surfaces you should use the "mostlydeadly" tag, but try out for yourself.
Edit: Okay, according to Daft as Brush's attribute FAQ mostlydeadly will also not kill everything...
my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment
I've just done a bit of testing... and....to clarify....
What I have said is "mostlytrue"....
deadly kills everything, and mostlydeadly kills almost everything
When compositegeom objects are involved...
Then it gets really complicated.... It's definitely a bug in WoG
For now know this...
So long as you're just using plain old rectangles, circles and lines...
deadly kills EVERYTHING!
@thB.. will update my FAQ with this bug... tnx for pointing it out
Ok, I'm veeeeeerrry thankful for all the help, but.... one final question. I swear. I've nearly finished a map, but how can I create an OCD for it? I know how many balls must be collected at a minimum, but how can I say how many moves or time or goos it takes for the OCD?
Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...
Daft as Brush already said that he is making this easier in the next version of WoG Editor. Until then, manually add an attribute called "ocd" in the addin tab.
my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment
See http://goofans.com/developers/wog-editor-06/wog-editor-06-faq#howto_ocd
Ruralgeek.... your avatar inspires my balloon eyes mod! i like you!
sorry if this comment was off topic.
Haha, no problem
Randomness rules almost as much as salad.
Good morning-
I see the assassins failed again last night...
hey, i have created a map, acording to the tuturial posted here, i followed everything according to the instructions, and have the last version of the WoG editor that is on the downloads, and the last version patch, but when i click on save and play, it just opens WoG and idk where is the map i created and where can i play it.. some help please?
If the game just starts "normally" when you click "Save and Play" then that is because the WorldofGoo program in the folder you are editting is NOT the v1.3 patch version.
If you are editting in your Gootool "modified" folder, you must run GooTool and click Save AFTER running the patch. This will copy the patched program into the modified folder.
Then try again