Custom island work

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Joined: 11/04/2008

If you're thinking of putting your level in another chapter just to influence its signpost style,


Keep it in chapter 1 for now. I hope to have a solution for this soon, either through an update to addin.xml or another means.

If you're thinking of altering the island scene because you want to add a linear progression between your levels,


GooTool 1.1 will support "depends" and a goo track with the new layout engine.


Joined: 12/11/2009

Goo Tool 1.1 means Goo Tool 1.1.0 ?
So there will be GOOMOD 1.2 or 2.0 ...
my invention of adding levels to different chapter will become useless...

Joined: 06/19/2009

Sounds Good! Smile

Any chance you could publish (or send me) a preview of the new addin spec... once you've finalized it.
That way I can update WooGLE to the new model to coincide with release the new GooTool...

Joined: 12/11/2009

"World of Goo Tool 1.1 comming soon!"
Is it possible to give us information when probably the release will be?

And I think there should be function "disbale levels" to hide levelbuttons, but allowing instalation of goomod. It will be usefull with something like "inwog's metal levels": disable "Metal Sanbox" level, but install metal balls for "official levels".