i dont know if you mean "how do you make gooballs look different", or "how do you make new gooballs for your levels". if you man how do you make gooballs look different, you get a gooball goomod, and unzip it. then you edit the image. if you mean how to make a gooball with special properties,
98% of the teen population believes those "98% of ... if you are one of the 2% who don't copy this into your sig" sigs. copy and paste this into your sig if you are one of the 2% who don't believe them.
oh, then im pretty sure you change someone elses goomod to be a .zip, change the image file in it, thenchange the xml files to show your user instead of someone elses. so that gootoll dosent take it as the same thing. the gooballs should look like what you changed the image file to.
98% of the teen population believes those "98% of ... if you are one of the 2% who don't copy this into your sig" sigs. copy and paste this into your sig if you are one of the 2% who don't believe them.
@madaco: it doesn't open when you change it to a .zip.
@grant: doesn't work. it says that that it is an invalid addin and it had an error opening the .zip file.
the images need to be in a specific folder inside the zip file, in you case "override\res\balls\common\" to modify the common gooballs and "override\res\balls\Drained\" to modify the ones in world of goo corp
the images must also have the exact same name as the ones in the game and the .zip needs to be changed to a .goomod on the archive
yes, i know that. i was only talking about goocorp as an example (sorta) as to what i'm talking about. when i said that it had an error opening it i meant gootool had the error opening it.
ohhhhhhh, well the posts are kinda confusing, especially the first one
but as for gootool, the error may have a number of reasons
some info such as what the error says would be nice
but it may be a number of reasons:
-incorrect addin.xml file
-your using a mac (this happened with my level)
-you have incorrect spelling and or incorrect case(java is CasE sEnsiTiVe)
-a whole other bunch
1. I checked everything on the addin.xml file, it's all the right stuff.
2. I don't have a Mac.
3. Look at #1.
Also, do you know where the eye images are for "common"?
If you have 7-zip you can right click and click extract here, the overide, merge, compile aand addin files will be wherever you were when you chose extract here
Pcpp was going to put World Of Goo In the Red Curtain.....Tower Of Goo Ate My Brain!
i dont know if you mean "how do you make gooballs look different", or "how do you make new gooballs for your levels". if you man how do you make gooballs look different, you get a gooball goomod, and unzip it. then you edit the image. if you mean how to make a gooball with special properties,
98% of the teen population believes those "98% of ... if you are one of the 2% who don't copy this into your sig" sigs. copy and paste this into your sig if you are one of the 2% who don't believe them.
you can check out addin file format or How to Make a Goomod Level if you need help making a level, customizing gooballs or making you own gooballs
I mean, changing the look of them in goo corp as a .goomod file that you install with gootool.
OVER 9000
oh, then im pretty sure you change someone elses goomod to be a .zip, change the image file in it, thenchange the xml files to show your user instead of someone elses. so that gootoll dosent take it as the same thing. the gooballs should look like what you changed the image file to.
98% of the teen population believes those "98% of ... if you are one of the 2% who don't copy this into your sig" sigs. copy and paste this into your sig if you are one of the 2% who don't believe them.
you could just create a goomod file but put new png in the overwrite directory
then, gootool overwrites the original images and the wog corp looks different
@madaco: it doesn't open when you change it to a .zip.
@grant: doesn't work. it says that that it is an invalid addin and it had an error opening the .zip file.
OVER 9000
did you follow the addin file format?
the images need to be in a specific folder inside the zip file, in you case "override\res\balls\common\" to modify the common gooballs and "override\res\balls\Drained\" to modify the ones in world of goo corp
the images must also have the exact same name as the ones in the game and the .zip needs to be changed to a .goomod on the archive
yes, i know that. i was only talking about goocorp as an example (sorta) as to what i'm talking about. when i said that it had an error opening it i meant gootool had the error opening it.
OVER 9000
ohhhhhhh, well the posts are kinda confusing, especially the first one
but as for gootool, the error may have a number of reasons
some info such as what the error says would be nice
but it may be a number of reasons:
-incorrect addin.xml file
-your using a mac (this happened with my level)
-you have incorrect spelling and or incorrect case(java is CasE sEnsiTiVe)
-a whole other bunch
1. I checked everything on the addin.xml file, it's all the right stuff.
2. I don't have a Mac.
3. Look at #1.
Also, do you know where the eye images are for "common"?
OVER 9000
oh nvm. finished with addin! Now back to the .zip to .goomod problem. How do you change a file type without using notepad?
OVER 9000
well the filename extension, .zip, is hidden by your os
on windows, open a explorer window, click on tools->folder options
then click view, and uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types"
then the zip file should have the extension in the filename and you can change it to .goomod
you can also now change a .goomod to a .zip to open it and see how other addins work
to hide the extention, just recheck the "Hide extensions for known file types"
on linux, i have no idea but it should be similar
also the eyes are not unique to common gooballs, changing them would change all the eyes of that type
they're in \res\balls\_generic
ok, that's why i'm saying this version is for demo only. Finished and uploaded! LOCK UP TOPIC, PLEASE
OVER 9000
That was a little confusing...
My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot

If you have 7-zip you can right click and click extract here, the overide, merge, compile aand addin files will be wherever you were when you chose extract here
Pcpp was going to put World Of Goo In the Red Curtain.....Tower Of Goo Ate My Brain!
1. This was already taken care of.

2. I have 7-zip...and it was confusing!
3. sweet icon!
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
They need a tutorial section on GooFans
Pcpp was going to put World Of Goo In the Red Curtain.....Tower Of Goo Ate My Brain!