Problem making cutscenes

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Joined: 09/01/2009

Okay, I am working on a level that has a "targetheight" field instead of a "levelexit", and WOG naturally cuts right out of the level when you're done (rather abruptly). I tinkered around with adding cutscenes to have it fade out more, and found that these lines in the island1.xml.bin file have the desired result:
<level (id) (name) (text) (ocd) cutscene="levelFadeOut,x,gooTransition_out" />

This works fine. However, I'm not sure what to put in my addin.xml file to achieve this. I would think the following code would, but it doesn't:

<level skipeolsequence="" cutscene="levelFadeOut,x,gooTransition_out">

This code appears to have no effect, as in WOG it just cuts right out of the level and the cutscene code doesn't appear in the island1.xml.bin file.

Any thoughts? Am I doing something wrong?

thB's picture
ContributorAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD
Joined: 04/17/2009

Look here.
<skipeolsequence /> and <cutscene></cutscene> are sub-elements of <level>, not attributes.

my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment

Joined: 09/01/2009

Tried that and still got problems.

  <skipeolsequence />

  <skipeolsequence />

don't work. Any ideas? Can you try it and see if it works for you?

thB's picture
ContributorAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD
Joined: 04/17/2009

Just tried and it didn't work for me either. :I

my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment

Joined: 09/01/2009

I guess we'll have to wait for Mr. Croft then...